One Of Them

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Chapter 28

One Of Them

'Hell, hath no fury than a woman scorned.' 

They were all rendered frozen as Gemina's eyes slowly turned to its darkest shade and her lips lost its kind softness. These eight words echoed in Bill's mind as he stared back at the void that was once Gemina's eyes. Calling her Valentina would be accepting the change that was forced upon her. Gemina accepting her new name would be a point of no return. Bill was no seer, but he can recognize trouble when he sees one. He wanted to chalk it up to the fact that he knew who she was and that was why her eyes held some sort of power over him. Familiarity was a powerful thing but as he looked into her eyes, no flicker of semblance looked back at him. 

It was clear that Gemina's rebirth has awoken something that has been dormant in her life. Something that she may have been keeping hidden to save not just herself, but the world as well. Bill wanted to look away, suffocating from the animosity that lit her eyes, but her gaze demanded his attention. The room was frozen in time, their instincts kept at bay, even the wolves flicked in anxiety. Only when Gemina blinked, did Russell wake up from his trance. 

"Valentina, that's enough!" Russell roared. 

Gemina held Bill's gaze while Russell's commands fell on deaf ears. Lorena sucked in a breath at the intensity of Valentina's defiance. Bill was almost gawking at Gemina as she started shaking where she stood, and blood started gushing from her nose. It was clear that she was not letting go. It took Russell to gently but firmly pull her away from Bill and positioned her to face him, "Valentina!" he reprimanded, but Gemina could only stare up at her maker with an empty face. 

Not that they would ever confess it but, they could acknowledge that in just a few minutes, Gemina has managed to take hold of the room. Russell seemed to be too taken aback to control his eyes as Gemina managed to notice and realize the terror and hesitation in her maker's face as he stared back at her. Has she been too proud to be smart, she would've let the smirk slip past her consciousness and display itself on her lips. But she only emotionlessly relished the heaviness in the room as she waited for her maker's next commands. 

"Russell..." Lorena's curt but slightly shaky reminder probed Russell to dismiss his protege towards her quarters. 

Gemina could feel their eyes on her, watching her every step. Only when she took the final step out of the room did the three looked at one another, searching each other for answers. Lorena put a delicate hand on her necklace and heaved an anxious sigh, "That girl!" she cried, pointing at the direction of Gemina's room. She was embarrassed, and obviously perturbed by the fact that she was outpowered by a mere juvenile. Russell gladly welcomed her tantrums, needing a distraction from whatever just transpired. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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