The Quidditch World Cup (2)

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A loud thud woke me up with a jolt, occupied by a quick string of curses and a small, "sorry," from Hermione. Her suitcase had fallen over as she had been putting her clothes away, already dressed and in high spirits even this early in the morning.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked, just as I noticed Ginny turn over on the bunk above me. Me and Hermione had invaded Ginny's room as we had done for the last week of summer since we had all met. With me sleeping on the bottom of Ginny's bunk and Hermione creating a makeshift bed on her floor, us three girls practically living on top of one another for a week. I had never dared ask, but I expected, that Ginny was somewhat glad when we would at last leave even though I knew that she enjoyed our company after being stuck in a  household full of boys all summer.

"Lyra, one word. Quidditch," Ginny groaned from above me, "you can take the bathroom next, I have no intention of leaving my cocoon of warmth for as long as humanly possible." I muttered a short response as I grabbed the first thing I could find from my own suitcase, stacked beneath Hemiones by the door. Quickly closing the door I changed into a dark red knitted jumper and light grey jeans, brushing my teeth simultaneously. Unfortunately not in the colours of the Irish who I would be supporting today from the stands. Unlike Ron, Harry and secretly Hermione who were in full support of the Bulgarians, especially Viktor Krum.

A frantic knock at the bathroom door snapped me out of whatever kind of trance I had found myself under for a moment and Ginny's voice could be heard through the thin wood, "On second thoughts, perhaps I should have went first as I'm absolutely desperate for the toilet. Please hurry up."

I laughed to myself, checking my reflection in the mirror before opening the door, "No worries, I'm done anyway."

"Please do tell me why precisely you've opted to support the Bulgarians today?" I asked Hermione as Ginny rushed past me, carrying what seemed to be more than one outfits worth of clothes into the bathroom.

"Because I love the enthusiasm the Bulgarians bring to the game. Krum controls the field as if he is a Quidditch god and the opposing team merely his subjects..." she rattled on looking at a spot on the wall seemingly remembering some kind of script.

Cocking my head slightly I said, " that is so odd to hear you say that, considering, I seem to remember Ron giving that same reasoning when he was trying to convince you to support them last night."

She simply blushed and looked at me once more, " I didn't know which team I preferred, ok. And besides they have better odds at winning today anyway."

"According to whom?" I asked genuinely curious.

"I can't quite remember who told me the figures, last night is a bit of a blur for me, all that excitement-" she began.

"So Ron," I laughed as Ginny appeared from the bathroom, seemingly winded from her attempt at getting ready quickly.

"Oh shush you," Hermione prodded my side playfully as she stood up, " I'm going to make sure Harry and Ron are up. We all know they have a certain tendency to oversleep in the worst of circumstances. Take the end of year breakfast banquet for example,"

"They really did seem to resemble dogs when they walked in, tails between their legs didn't they," I laughed with Ginny as we all left the room, backpacks carrying our overnight stuff slung over our shoulders.

"I smell bacon," Ginny cried, nearly breaking into a run downstairs.

"Save some for me," Hermione whispered, now stood outside the twins door that was directly across the hall from Ginny's room.

"Why are you whispering? They should be up, they are coming with us after all," I asked as Hermione winced at the normal volume of my voice.

Replying in a hushed tone, she glanced at their door, "do you think we need to knock?"

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