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Author's pov 

 Arjun's mansion 

At night he came back very late from his office not because of his work but something else is bothering him soon as he came inside the house , he saw his mother waiting for him. Usually no one waits for him because he comes home very late or sometimes he don't even come back  and stays at his office due to pending work ..

Seeing his mother awake and waiting for him he got tensed and moved towards her ...hearing foot steps Sravani (Arjun's mom ) turned towards the direction and saw her tired and exhausted son coming inside with a frown face ..

Arjun : "Maa what happened why are you still awake everything ok ?"

sravani : Yeah all good , I'm just waiting for you .

Arjun : For me!? why wanna talk something ?

Sravani : Yeah come sit here ....   (Arjun went and  sat beside sravani ) you look sad and worried ...are you fine beta ? Is something bothering you ..

Arjun : No Maa just exhausted from work I'm fine ..don't worry about me .

sravani : I'm your mom and also your friend Jai ..I can clearly see that something is bothering you ...... wanna share about your worry ? 

                       I heard from Ayu (Ayan- Arjun's bro) that you went out with Sridha today and you looked very angry and annoyed when you came back to the office . I also got to know that she cried after came back with you ...what happened jai beta ...did you both got into any argument everything fine between you guys ?

sravani asked with worry and concerned is clearly seen on her face ...hoping that everything is fine .

Arjun : How do you know that she cried ?

Sravani : oh that actually , Ayu saw her crying while talking to someone on the phone near stairs ....dont scold him he is just worried about her ..he thought of asking you about her but seeing your behaviour and your state he assumed that may be you are the reason so he told me ...

Arjun : No Maa , I'm not the one who made her cry ...even I'm angry and annoyed for the same reason ...seeing her crying so badly made my blood boil ..I even asked her what happened but she just covered with a lie saying nothing .

Sravani : I'ts ok beta dont be angry for small things just think about the solution ...I guess you already ordered daksh to do some digging right .

Arjun : yeah you know me too well (both chuckled)

Sravani : of course I'm your mom and friend (said with smile and held his hand in her)so got any update .

Arjun : yeah ..the call ....its from her mom .


Sridha's house 

aishu : what the hell bro ...dont tell me u agreed to her .

sridha : No I didn't say anything .. I'm so shocked to even utter anything . I don't know what to do ..I cant go back.. I cant...not atleast now  .

aishu : of course you cant back now ... if you go back now it means you are ready for the marriage . After all the struggle you faced you cant give up everything like this ..if you go back your dream job , you future everything will ruined. 

sridha : I dont know what to decide aishu ...its like my family or my future . I cant just go back and do whatever she said because of those rumors .


Few hours back at AD groups 

Sridha's pov 

As soon as I reached back to the office I rushed from there excusing myself from Arjun sir . He already asked me multiple times why I'm crying .....I tried a lot to control myself I cant look vulnerable infront my boss but these stupid tears wont stop ...I just cant control my emotions ... If I'm hurt and feel like crying then I need to cry and will cry ....

Even I don't know the reason ...may be I'm happy seeing my mom number flashing on the mobile screen or scared to face her or humiliated for what I did to them or maybe everything .

 I don't really have a good bond with my mom . I love her and she loves me a lot  but she is too strict ...she don't even show her affection out but still she cares .. I'm even scared to share anything with her ...what if she don't like what I did  or what if she scolds me or what if she feels like I'm crossing my boundary which she drew around me ...

I went to the washroom and cleaned my face . As I'm going to my work desk my phone again rang flashing my mom number . I went to a quite place ,near the staircase and with lot of debate in my mind whether to lift or not I finally answered the call and heard her voice which brought more tears in my eyes 

Anitha (sridha mom) : Hello Sridha 

Sridha : Hel..Hello maa .    #( Controlling tears )

Anitha : How are you .       # ( little sad and more angry )

Sridha : I..Im good Maa . How are you and dad .

Anitha : How we will be after what you have done . You should have atleast think about us before going way but I don't know you are this selfish .. you cant even imagine how much humiliation we faced because of you . I cant even digest the fact that you did the same thing like her even after I bought you up with lot of care  and strict so that you wont make a mistake like her ..I thought you are different but you ended up like her .    #( disappointed and angry tone)

Sridha : Maa please . I know what she did is wrong but she have her reasons .I'm not supporting her . But my situation is different from her . Even you know now how dangerous and worst is Varun (Ex-fiance of sridha ) still your blaming me .I have told you many time about his bad behaviour towards me but you trusted him not your own daughter .     #(crying badly )

Anitha : You should have shown us those photos .  After lot of background check oh him me and your father agreed to this marriage .I cant still understand where it went wrong . I don't trust him I just believed him . He deceived us . I'm happy and at ease that you didn't married him otherwise your life would have been ruined  because of our mistake .But what you did was wrong how can you leave like that . All the people over there pointed us .Humiliated us with their words .

Sridha: Maa I know I'm sorry Maa I'm sorry for whatever I have done .I dont regret it but I'm sorry for humiliating you and dad .please forgive me Maa please 

Anitha : I will forgive you even your dad will also forgive ...but only if you come back home now and marry the person we show you . Everyone are thinking that you ran away from the wedding because you loved some boy I dont want to encourage these type of talks anymore .To stop this the only solution is getting you married with the person we choose . think carefully and choose your decision wisely . The same mistake we made before will not be happened again .so dont worry. Saying this Anitha disconnected the call 



Sorry for the very late update ..Actually I thought of stopping the story due to lack of votes and comments but I continued because I received two comments asking to update and they loved the story 😇💗.. Thank you so much for liking the story hope you will continue loving the story❤️ .

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