Chapter 28

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Amelia got Brianna's letter with tears streaming down her face as Misty said,

"What is wrong baby?"

Amelia wiped her eyes replying,

"Brianna ended up murdered by her own girlfriend Matilda whose my mom's ex girlfriend Monica daughter. She told me she loved me and glad that me and you are together. Matilda is probably in jail by now or on the run from the murder she couldn't be exact. Her body will be brought back to America and her mom's Leah and Gale will have a funeral for her. Pretty much Matilda lost it when Brianna figured out who Matilda's mother was or is and now she is dead."

Misty cuddled Amelia on the couch watching her tears fall, Misty looked at Amelia wiping her tears responding,

"Brianna, didn't deserve death no matter where she ended up in the end. I know you loved her very much and I adore her for even giving you a chance back in your teens but baby she must've needed mental help though shipping her out to Germany with a unknown woman is the worst. You will be the one to tell your mom's Terri and Brooke because this is going to send Terri on a rampage over her niece dying in the arms of her ex girlfriend's daughter."

Amelia cleared her throat from crying replying,

"Babe, I understand completely on needing to tell my mom's but this is going to be the hardest thing ever explaining from a letter that Brianna ended up murdered, hell for all I know she could end up on the news since it was a out of a country murder."

Misty knew better than to push her beautiful wife so she left Amelia alone as she went to work on a project that involved a science study for Meteorology that was due by this week and she didn't need more stress though she knew Amelia would come around and tell her mom's personally that she received a letter from Brianna before her death.

They hadn't made love since they have had challenges living with Amelia's mom's than turn around to get a apartment because the dorm's ban them from being together constantly in the same room or the other partner's room even though they were married. Misty knew being with Amelia and her life alternating changes, Amelia needed mental help when they did hook up over three years ago. Amelia seeked therapy after multiple times of cutting Brianna's name on her wrists and legs, doctor's were grateful she didn't damage any arteries or take her life.

Misty did meet a awesome girl in college her name is Tessa they hung out every day even though Amelia didn't care for friendship's in their college days. Tessa is pure gothic and badass, anyone loves her. Misty did fall in love with her but Tessa admitted she loved Amelia more which broke her heart though Amelia didn't care for Tessa and her dark ways. Misty knew that Tessa wouldn't be with Amelia because Amelia closed herself off to the world including to her at the time. Though they were and still are a open couple to having any partner they wanted it never happened they secluded themselves especially once Misty saw that Tessa found love in some guy.

Misty came out of her study seeing Amelia curled into a ball on the couch as she said,

"Baby, please go to work or something being cooped up isn't going to bring Brianna back."

Amelia sat up with her pupils pitch black as she spoke,

"I am Brianna, Amelia's soul is mine. I don't know who you are but you're lovely Amelia is mine and mine forever. I am going to find Matilda and kill her myself after she ruined me in Germany. I will not be taunted by her fate, she will be dead, DEAD I SAY! Now go back to working on your studies and I am going back to finding Matilda, understand."

Misty nodded while shivering than ran back to her studies without a word as the world shattered her love Amelia is now in the gripping souls of Brianna, Brianna came back to kill the one woman who murdered her and is using her best friend also long time crush to destroy Matilda. Possessing a soul is now coming at a cost for Misty to save her love Amelia from Brianna. Misty scrambled to find her cell phone or a house phone to call a Priest or Priestess to get a control of Amelia before it is to late but unfortunately she knew Matilda would be dead before she could get help.

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