Chapter Twenty-Five

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The high peaks of the mountains were just coming into sight. Patterpaw sprinted towards the Clans' territory, heart lightened by the fact that they would be home soon. She glanced back at Swiftpaw, who was carefully holding the bundle of herbs from the Twolegplace.

She slowed down to let him and Acornfall catch up. They were not too far behind, and she didn't have to wait long. She padded next to Swiftpaw.

"Aren't you excited to be back?" she asked him.

The fluffy red tom's eyes flicked over to her. "I don't know," he admitted in a low voice. "I know we have to bring the herb back, but I want to give it to everyone."

Patterpaw nodded in agreement. "I hate leaving FrostClan to have to deal with the sickness themselves."

"Hey! What are you doing here?" A gray tabby she-cat stood on the next rise, tail lashing. Acornfall continued to walk forward as though there was nothing wrong. "Stay out of our territory or we'll fight you!"

"Really?" The golden-brown warrior rolled her eyes. "Where's the rest of your patrol, apprentice?"

Another apprentice bounded up next to the first. Patterpaw noticed that they were almost identical, except that the second was a tom. I guess they're littermates.

"For StarClan's sake, don't fight them!" A yellow she-cat with a white patch on her chest came into view. She faced the SparkClan cats. "I'm sorry about them. Could you tell us what you're doing on our territory?"

"Going back to ours," Acornfall replied. "So, if you'll excuse us, we have to go." She stepped past the she-cat, but was blocked by another SwiftClan warrior.

Patterpaw and Swiftpaw carefully tried to pad around the patrol. The yellow she-cat stepped towards them. "What is that?" she asked, indicating the bundle of leaves.

"Herbs," Swiftpaw quickly replied. "For the sickness. Here, you can have some." He fumbled to pull a few stems out.

"Turtlefoot will be glad to have this," the she-cat mewed, picking them up. "Where did you get it?"

"Twolegplace," said the medicine cat apprentice, looking down at his paws. The yellow she-cat nodded.

"We'll escort you to the SparkClan border." She turned to the rest of her patrol. "Mistypaw! Mossypaw! Come on, we're leaving."

One of the gray tabbies shot Patterpaw a glare as they padded after their mentors. The black and white she-cat tried to ignore her, closely following Swiftpaw.

Finally, they reached their territory. Patterpaw breathed in the familiar scent of her Clan. I can't wait to see Bearkit, Mom, Dad, and Echopaw again!

"We'll leave you here," announced the SwiftClan warrior. "Thank you for the herbs."

"You're welcome," Acornfall meowed coolly. She walked off in the direction of camp, the two apprentices following her.

They soon reached the camp. Echopaw sprinted up to them. "You're back!" she exclaimed. "Did you complete your mission? Have you gotten that herb in Swiftpaw's dream?"

Patterpaw laughed. Her sister was as talkative as ever. "Yep. But I'll tell you about it later. We still have to bring the herb to the other Clans."

Nodding rapidly, Echopaw said, "Okay, that makes sense! I'll bet the medicine cats think you're great. You and Swiftpaw and Acornfall traveled allll the way to the Twolegplace to get herbs to save the Clans!"

"Let Patterpaw get a moment of peace," purred their mother, stepping beside the pale blue-gray she-cat. She glanced fondly at her daughters. "I hope you aren't too tired to give the rest of the herb to everyone else."

"Of course not!" Patterpaw mewed, shaking her head. "After Swiftpaw gives it to the sick cats here, we're leaving for AmberClan. We gave a few leaves to SwiftClan on the way here."

Darkshine smiled. "Wonderful. I can't wait." She nuzzled the black and white she-cat. "This sickness has been here far too long. I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you," whispered Patterpaw, tears filling her eyes. She was happy that they had succeeded in their mission, but she also knew that FrostClan needed the herb too. We have to find a way to get it to them.

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now