Chapter Thirty

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"Laurelheart, Mallowpaw, Marmotwhisker, and Acornfall," said Goldenstorm. "Go hunt near the river." He glanced sideways at Patterpaw. "You too, I guess."

The black and white she-cat padded over to the rest of the patrol. She hadn't been hunting for a while. Since Crowflash died.

Patterpaw was surprised to find that the loss of her mentor was far less upsetting to her now. So much had happened to her since then that she had put it out of her mind. The mission had been successful, after all. Most of the cats had recovered from the sickness.

The patrol left the camp. Laurelheart, being the most senior warrior, took the lead and headed to the riverbank. "We can split up," she said. "Marmotwhisker, you hunt with Patterpaw. I'll take Mallowpaw and Acornfall."

Marmotwhisker started to walk off in the direction of the AmberClan border, beckoning with his tail for Patterpaw to follow, but stopped as Acornfall opened her mouth to speak.

"Actually, I'd rather hunt alone or with one of them," she said, shooting a glare at her mother.

Laurelheart sighed. "Fine. Marmotwhisker, come with us." She stalked away, tail twitching with annoyance. The brown and white tom shrugged and followed her.

Acornfall brushed past Patterpaw and went back towards the camp, veering slightly to the left. The apprentice, cautiously, kept next to her. Suddenly, Acornfall whirled on her and pinned her to the ground. "I know what you did!"

Patterpaw struggled against the she-cat's strong grip. "Let me go!"

Acornfall leaned closer, so that their whiskers were almost touching. "I saw you talking to that cat, and giving him the herbs. Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

"It wasn't right," Patterpaw said softly. "I couldn't just let FrostClan die to the sickness."

"I trusted you," hissed the golden-brown she-cat. "I told you about Rainpaw, and my siblings. I will destroy FrostClan, no matter how long it takes. And I don't need worthless apprentices like you getting in my way."

Patterpaw tried to consider her options. Even though Acornfall was smaller than most cats, she was still much bigger than her, and had much more training. The black and white she-cat was already unable to escape, and she was fairly certain Acornfall would kill her if she tried to call for help.

Giving up, she went limp and stared at the warrior. "Was it you?" she whispered. "Who killed Crowflash?"

"What?" Confusion sparked in Acornfall's dark blue eyes. "Oh. No, that wasn't me. That was someone else. But, of course, they'll probably try to blame it on me." She sighed. "I know who did it, though. I think."

Out of the corner of her eye, Patterpaw glimpsed gray tabby fur. Mallowpaw? Please don't notice him... "Are you going to tell me?" she asked, loudly enough that the apprentice would hopefully hear her. He quietly nodded and snuck away from them.

"Why should I?" Acornfall growled. "I'm going to kill you anyway."

A voice came from behind the she-cat. "What do you think you're doing? Acornfall, get away from her, before I-"

Acornfall snarled and spun to face the new cat. She swiped her claws down Patterpaw's neck. "Before you what? Disown me? Oh, wait."

Laurelheart took a threatening step towards her. "You know better than to attack a Clanmate. Get. Away." Next to her, Mallowpaw was doing his best to look formidable, but he kept sneaking worried glances at Patterpaw.

The golden-brown she-cat's voice rose to a shriek. "I am doing what is best for Jasmineleaf and Aldernose!" She suddenly leaped at her mother, claws outstretched.

Laurelheart ducked and slashed at Acornfall's face. Acornfall staggered back, blood dripping from a cut on her cheek, then bared her teeth and lunged at her once more. This time, she fastened her claws into Laurelheart's shoulder. The dark gold she-cat grunted and shoved her daughter away, scratching at her belly.

"Leave," she ordered, glaring thorns at Acornfall. "And don't come back."

Acornfall stared back, blue eyes burning with rage. "I'll be back," she hissed. "You can trust me on that." She disappeared into the forest.

Patterpaw tried to climb to her feet, but Mallowpaw hurried over and pushed her back down. "She's bleeding badly," he said, looking back at his mentor. "What do I do?"

I'm bleeding? Patterpaw touched a paw to her throat and was surprised to find it coated in red. When was I hurt?

"Fox dung," she heard Laurelheart curse. "Get Rowanfoot." Paws pressed down on her neck, like they were trying to close the wound. Is it that bad?

Swiftpaw was coming towards her, a bundle of herbs in his jaws. He dropped them next to her and held a pawful of cobwebs to her throat. "You're fine," he said urgently. "Just hold still."

Patterpaw blinked up at him. "Where's Acornfall?" Her head was starting to feel faint.

"She's gone," mewed Swiftpaw. "Did we bring goldenrod?" he asked Rowanfoot quietly.

The medicine cat passed him a few bright yellow flowers. For once, her gaze was worried instead of cheerful. She padded more cobwebs onto Patterpaw's neck.

"Swiftpaw?" The black and white apprentice was struggling to remain awake. "Am I going to die?"

"No." Swiftpaw shook his head determinedly. "You'll be fine. I can't-" He stopped talking and pressed harder on the spiderwebs.

It was becoming harder to focus. Patterpaw's thoughts felt like they had fuzzy edges that she couldn't see past. She tried to say something, but her mouth strangely refused to work.

Maybe I'll finally get to meet Bluekit, was her last conscious thought.


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