PART- 12

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Y/N's vision swam in and out of focus as a sterile white ceiling greeted her. The faint hum of an air conditioner and a muffled conversation filtered through her throbbing head. Briefly, panic flooded her. Where was she? What happened?

Then, memories flooded back: the contract, the pressure, the… the darkness. Her eyes snapped open, landing on Jungkook, his face etched with worry. Beside him, Misha, offered a comforting smile. A man in a sharp suit, presumably Mr. Verma, the lawyer, sat across from the three, his expression unreadable.

But before Y/N could process anything further, a wave of betrayal washed over her. She shot upright in the bed, the world swaying precariously. "You!" she shrieked, hand connecting with Jungkook's cheek with a resounding slap.

Jungkook stumbled back, hand flying to his reddened face, eyes wide with shock. "Y/N, what the–"

"Don't you 'Y/N' me!" she roared, voice thick with anger. "You tricked me! You made me sign that ridiculous contract!"

Misha gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, while Mr. Verma simply cleared his throat. Shame burned in Y/N's cheeks. Even unconscious, it seemed, she'd agreed.

Jungkook recovered quickly, his jaw tightening. "Y/N, listen–"

"No, you listen!" she interrupted, her voice cracking with hurt. "Marriage is a sacred institution in India, Jungkook! It's not a piece of paper you can just force someone to sign!"

He looked defeated, a flicker of frustration crossing his eyes. "I know, Y/N, believe me. But I had no choice."

Y/N scoffed. "No choice? You couldn't just… ask?"

He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in the gesture. "It's not that simple. You see, my grandfather–"

"Oh, here comes the sob story," Y/N muttered, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"It's not a sob story," he countered, his voice low. "He has a fortune locked away in an Indian bank account. The only way I can access it is if I'm married to an Indian citizen."

Y/N's anger simmered down a little, replaced by a dull ache of understanding. Money problems, she knew, could drive good people to desperate measures. Still, it didn't excuse his trickery.

"So you use me?" she asked, voice trembling.

Jungkook's gaze softened. "Never. I'm not that kind of guy Y/N. I respect your emotion..."

Y/N looked away, overwhelmed by the sudden confession and the tangled mess of the situation.  Her eyes fell on the contract on the bedside table. With a deep breath, she reached for it and flipped it open.

"Divorce papers," she said, her voice firm. "I want them drawn up immediately."

Jungkook paled, worry lines etching themselves onto his forehead. Misha let out a small, sympathetic whine. Mr. Verma, however, simply reached for his briefcase.

The silence stretched for what felt like an eternity before Jungkook spoke, his voice laced with a desperation she hadn't heard before. "Y/N, please. We can figure this out. There has to be another way."

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