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Word count: 2.45k

"I thought I'd find you here." You scoff and take a seat on the floor beside Armin.

Armin looks up from the book he was reading and gulps when he sees you beside him.

"O-oh hi." He greets nervously and puts his focus back on the book in front of his face.

You snort.

"Your hair. I'm almost sad you got it redone, Minny." You pout in faux sadness as you twirl his hair by his neck.

"I'm- um sorry." He stutters.

"You're sorry?" You laugh. "You're sorry that you had to get your hair cut because I cut it without your consent into an ugly fucking style?"

"I guess?" He says quietly.

"Boring." You insult.

A beat goes by and you snatch the book away and read the front.

"Romeo and Juliet? Seriously? How fucking lame can you get." You snap.

He blinks with furrowed brows as he watches you close the book and set it on the other side of your legs, away from him.

Armin fiddles with his fingers in his lap, nervously as a beat of silence goes by.

"You've never been much of a talker, have you." You state, leaning your head back on the shelves of books behind you.

"W-what do you want me to talk about.." Armin stutters.

You chuckle as you stand and hold your hand out in front of him.

He looks over your extended hand in confusion.

"Now." You demand with a harshly serious face.

He inhales and hesitantly places his hand in yours.

You pull him up swiftly and he stumbles, coming dangerously close to your face. There was only mere inches of space left between the two of you.

You tilt your head as you watch him nervously freeze when coming this close to you.

"Am I making you nervous, Armin?" You whisper in more of a statement than a question to his wide eyed face.

He gulps and takes a step back.


You laugh. "No?"

"I just-"

"Shut up and walk." You snap as you walk away.

He briefly furrows his brows and hesitantly follows you after picking up his book and securing it inside his bag.

It was late and no one was in the 24 hour library of the university at this hour. He was surprised you were even here. He was usually alone at this hour.

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