ticking time bomb

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Word count: 2.41k

"Today, we're going to explore a classic ethical dilemma that has sparked intense debate among philosophers and ethicists for years. If you look up on the board, you'll notice your name paired with another. Find this person and sit together." Professor Levi announces to the class, nonchalantly and unemotionally.

As you gaze up at the board, you steal a peek at the blonde boy.

You weren't paired with him. You were with some random. While he was paired with a girl.


"Authorities have detained a suspect they believe is responsible for planting a bomb in a crowded area. The suspect claims to have information about the bomb's location but refuses to divulge it. Under pressure to prevent a potential disaster, the authorities threaten the suspect with torture unless they confess. Now what if the suspect in custody adamantly denies any involvement in the bombing plot and insists they have no knowledge of the bomb's location? Time is running out and authorities face immense pressure to locate and disarm the bomb before it detonates. Is it ethical to resort to torture based on suspicion alone if innocent lives are in danger?" Professor Levi questions the two students standing at their Individual podiums in the front of the class.

The bubbly girl speaks first.

"That's so not fair. I mean, we don't even know if he's actually guilty. We should find a way to stop the bomb without hurting anyone who might be innocent." She proclaims confidently.

"Armin?" Professor Levi nods to him in encouragement to continue the debate.

Armin clears his throat nervously, eyes darting around the room as he stands awkwardly at the podium.

"W-well, I understand the concerns about harming an innocent person, but in a situation where innocent lives are at immediate risk, we have a moral obligation to prioritize the greater good. If we don't take decisive action to extract information from the suspect, we risk allowing the bomb to detonate and cause widespread devastation. While torture is undoubtedly a harsh measure, the lives of potentially hundreds or thousands of innocent people hang in the balance. By swiftly extracting information from the suspect, we increase the likelihood of locating and disarming the bomb before it's too late." Armin debates timidly.

"I'm sorry but, Professor Levi. Is he really suggesting that torturing someone with no evidence of a crime is appropriate? I mean how stupid- unethical." The girl corrects quickly. She just radiated entitlement.

Your eye twitches.

"Continue." Professor Levi simply eggs them on.

"'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." - Spock." Armin quotes insecurely.

She scoffs. "Is that from Star Trek?"

Armin clears his throat awkwardly.

"Please stay on track." Professor Levi reminds the two as he sighs.

"'Never inflict harm on anyone, unless they have inflicted harm upon others.' - Immanuel Kant." She debates back.

"I just don't believe risking dozens for the life of one potentially guilty person is intelligent." Armin blinks rapidly as he gazes at his fidgeting hands resting on the podium.

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