- 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎 -

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The busy platmorm is riddled with excitement of those returning or starting hogwarts. Families cry holding their small children close to them.

Remus Lupin stood watching these families alone, knowing his mother stood on the other side of the magic wall not being able to enter. So he was alone. He wouldn't have been alone if his father had a care for him, but he didn't. And even at 11 years old he knew that. His mother said he was busy with work but Remus knew looking at the surrounding families some of the parents must have taken a day of work.

His small arms and muscles ached from the lingering pain of the most recent full moon. A constant reminder of the monster he was even when not in that form. The other constant reminder was the pinky toned scars permanently engraved on his skin. He seen them as something that damaged is face. His claws that dug themselves into his skin vandalising his face and confidence.

He lugged his heavy case to the piles of other that would soon be loaded onto the train. Before trying to find a way through the bustling crowds trying to find an entrance onto the train.

Iris's dark red locks blew frantically in all directions around her face as she raced to the train lugging her case behind her.

"Oh my! Oh my! I'm going to miss it."she spoke to herself trying to move her small legs faster and faster trying to make it through the busy station of 9 and 3/4. She tried picking up her pase but tripped over her untied shoelace falling to the floor with a thud and skidding a couple inches across the floor.

She sat up a held her hand up looking at her raw palms. The had been skint across the rough floors of the stations stone floors small bits of gravel and blood on the wounds. The stinging pain was more prominent in her knees bringing them up to have a better look. The had been slammed to the ground pretty hard causing the abrasions to be deeper. Blood began pouring from her split knees.

All of the sudden the stinging stopped, well almost it moved to her heart. Her dungarees shorts she was wearing had blood on them. Oh her gran would be so mad. Her gran said if she got them dirty she would punish her like what happened to her old shoes. She hadn't meant to get them dirty just like she hadn't meant to get these bloody.

Tears began pouring from her eyes and by no means were they going to stop. People walked by not batting an eye at the weeping child on the floor.

She felt someone crouch next to her. Peeling open her eyes she looked at the woman looking at her was very pretty with a warm smile and small smile lines around her eyes.
"Oh dearie dear, what happened here." The lady said tucking a strand of Iris's curly locks behind her ears, "Oh baby your ok, what's your name and we'll help you out here."

Oh this lady was going to think she was an irresponsible girl. Oh her gran would be so mad.
"I didn't mean it! I swear I fell and I didn't mean to get blood in my clothes! I swear I'm a tidy girl. Oh my grans going to be so mad. I've just got thin enough to fit them now she'll buy me smaller ones." She wailed. She wasn't sure why but she needed to prove she didn't mean it.

Taken a back by the last sentence the lady just tried to the best to calm Iris down.
"No nobody's mad dear. You're okay. I'll fix these look." The lady lifted her wand and with a quick flick of the wrist the blood had cleared form her dungarees and the cuts on her hands and knees had been healed. "I'm Effie and this is Monty and our son James." A boy with glasses revealed himself from around the back of Monty bouncing on his feat like he needed to be on the move.

Iris sniffed wiping the tears under her eyes and standing back up along with the lady now she knows as Effie. "I'm Iris and I'm late for my train." She had her head down looking at her feet.

"Are you starting your first year because so is our James?" The man, called Monty, now spoke pulling his son forward.

"Yes I am. I'm going to this magic school and I need to get the train but I was late." Iris replied. The man moved past her picking her trunk up off the floor, now holding her and his sons.
"Right, come on then let's get you both on the train."

She never spoke just following the family to the train. The boy, James, lingered back falling into step with Iris.
"So Iris, that's a cool name by the way. What house do you want to be in? I want to be in Griffindor like my mum and dad."

"I'm not really sure about what houses there are. I don't really know much. My gran says that's because I'm stupid and can't read well but I spelled everything out and I didn't see house in the list." She said pulling one of her copper ringlets into her hand and playing with it.

"Oh. I can read and you're right it didn't say anything about houses on the letter. My mum and dad told me about it cause they went there cause there magic too. It's okay if your mum and dad weren't magic I don't mind that either." He said blushing thinking her had messed up his words trying to not sound blood prejudiced.

"I'm not sure, my mum and dad died when I was little and my grans never mentioned magic before."

They hadn't even noticed the had reached the train. James's mum and dad pulling his into a hug peppering kisses all over his face.
"Mummmm....Dad....stop." He kept turning around looking to see if Iris was watching the interaction and blushing more every time he noticed she was.

"James stop pretending to be embarrassed cause you're in front of someone you weren't complaining last night when I kissed you tucking you into bed." Effie said laughing as James whole face had turned a deep shade of red.

James walked away from his mum and dad grabbing Iris's shoulders pushing her into the train his following closely behind.
"Just pretend you don't see them it'll make me feel better please."

She let out a little giggle as he continued to push her onto the train.
"I think you're lucky, I've never been tucked into bed or kissed I think it would be nice."

"WHAT! Sorry what? You mean like never not even when you were little." She just shook her head in response. "How did you ever fall asleep?"

"By pretending I did." She said shrugging her shoulders. James may have only been 11 but he knew that was 100% absolutely not right. He had thought everyone got kisses off there family and he now get sad knowing she was the only one. But that was wrong he never knew how many kids went to bed wishing they were as lucky as James.

"Well when it's a break you can come stay at mine. Then my mum will tuck you in...I'll even ask her to give you a kiss if you want." He said giving her the offer.

Iris felt a bust of excitement in her heart.
"I would really like that. Does that mean we're friends?" She asked she felt as though she maybe pushing it but she'd never had a friend before so she wasn't sure.

"Oh the best of friends. We'll be siblings really." He said proudly nodding his head. And by God she couldn't wait.

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𝚂𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚜

1329 words

Hoped you liked this prologue the next part will be the official beginning of the story and will be a filler for the years before sixth year.

Hope you enjoyed please Please PLEASE comment if you did.

love ya x

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