Experiment 5: The Cat & The Heart-Shaped Fruit!

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Last time Astro met the representatives of SWORD, those individuals being Kuma, Ginny, and their Daughter Bonney. However there was also the presence of the rather standoffish Ratchet. Astro and Bonney went off on their own while the adults conversed amongst themselves. However an unknown figure has snuck their way onto Egghead Island.

Astro and Bonney were seated in the laboratory's cafeteria, Astro was tinkering with a small device he was working on while Bonney was eating. However what had completely caught Astro off guard was just how much Bonney was capable of eating. Bonney easily had enough food on her plate for two adults, yet at the rate she was eating all of it, she would still need more. "I don't get why that Ratchet guy has to be such a jerk!" Bonney whined before she stuffed a hamburger in her mouth rather unceremoniously. Astro looked up from the device he was tinkering with, directing a concerned look at the young girl. "Don't let his words bother you Bonney, some people are merely inconsiderate of how others feel." Astro said in a calm tone, despite his own frustrations with the rather stuck up robotics expert.

Astro was about to return his attention towards the device he was tinkering with when he heard a distressed sniffle. Astro's attention snapped back to Bonney, who had tears running down her face. "I-Is what he said true? Am I just in the way?" Bonney whimpered as she looked towards Astro for an answer. Astro's mind immediately went into panic mode, he had forgotten just how young Bonney is and how much more hurtful Ratchet's words must have been for her. "Bonney, look at me." Astro said gently as the distressed girl locked eyes with him, tears still spilling down her face. Astro gently patted Bonney on top of the head, giving her his best supportive smile. "Bonney, your parents adore you, even an imbecile could see that. If they actually believed what that ignoramus Ratchet said, they wouldn't have brought you with them." Astro said gently as he continued to run his hand through her hair soothingly.

Bonney's sniffles turned into watery giggles at Astro using silly sounding words to talk about Ratchet. "So I'm not in the way?" Bonney asked in a more hopeful tone as she let a tiny smile spread across her face. Astro let a smile of his own spread across his face as he ruffled Bonney's hair, earning a giggle from the little girl. "You could never be in the way, I for one find your company wonderful." Astro said with another reassuring smile on his face. Bonney leaped across the table, tackling Astro into a tight hug. "You're the best Astro!" Bonney cheered happily as she snuggled her head into his shoulder. Astro chuckled as he gently rubbed Bonney's back. The moment however was interrupted by the automatic doors to the cafeteria sliding open. Astro and Bonney both turned towards the door to see who entered, only to find no one.

"Bonney, wait here." Astro said firmly as he gently set Bonney down on his chair before walking towards the open cafeteria door. Astro peeked out into the hallway, looking down both the left and right sides of the hallway, seeing no one. "Seems the door's sensor malfunctioned." Astro said over his shoulder at Bonney with a relieved smile on his face. However as soon as he said that, Astro felt himself get grabbed before he was enveloped in a bright light, the teenager scientist disappearing from the hallway in an instant. "ASTRO!" Bonney shouted in worry as she leaped off her chair and ran towards the open doorway, frantically looking around the hallway for Astro. Despite her best efforts, Bonney saw no signs of Astro. "I need to go tell one of the Punks!" Bonney mumbled to herself a look of determination spreading across her face as she ran down the hallway in search of one of the Punks.

Lab 02
Within the personal laboratory of Lilith, the short haired female Punk was seen working with York of all people. "I still don't see why I was paired up with you of all people for this project." Lilith grumbled as she shot a sideways glare at the taller woman. York let out a bored yawn before she directed a lazy side glance at her fellow Punk. "I'm not exactly thrilled about this arrangement either, at least Edison and Pythagoras let me doze off and take a nap or two." York whined in a half hearted attempt at an annoyed tone. Lilith clenched her fist tightly around the wrench she was holding, using every ounce of her willpower to not beat her fellow Punk over the head with it. Before Lilith could make another biting remark however, the door to the lab sliding out grabbed the attention of both scientists.

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