Prologue: An Eventful End

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      The mayor looked out the window observing the cars that drove down the semi rundown streets of the city. It was honestly surprising how much people can put up with when it comes to government abuse. The governor had taxed the wealth out of the state so now he was left with a shoestring budget. Looking back on the proposals on his desk, he could not help but laugh. The proposal would put the state into more debt. He obviously didn't mind screwing over the governor by wasting more money but he didn't want to add to the federal deficit.

      He once again looked out the window. The sun was setting with such a majestic quality that he wanted to relish every last second of it. It was then that he finalized his decision to trash the proposal.

      "Maybe this month I can allocate some money to finally fix the roads in this city," he thought to himself.

       As the last bit of sunlight dipped over the horizon, someone knocked on the door to his office. Before he could reply the doors of his office were pushed open, and who he saw on the other side of the door filled him with an extreme deep seeded annoyance. The man currently walking into his office was the Lieutenant Governor.

      "Welcome Lieutenant Governor, how can I help you today?"

      "Mayor Murphy, How are you?"

      "Adams please just get to the point."

      Lieutenant Governor Adams signed before sitting down in the chair across from Murphy. The two men were silent for a period of time. The ticking of the clock could be heard over the otherwise silent room. It took a couple more moments before Adams broke the silence.

      "There is a gathering of some really powerful people that is taking place tonight at Eldritch Grove. So if you want some intel about the current landscape and how to navigate some future crises I would personally recommend you go."

      Murphy really wanted to escort Adams out of his office but something about his tone intrigued him. Murphy saw the way Adams twitched uncomfortably as he spoke about the future. The small ticks that only he seemed to ever pick up on.

      Murphy asked, "Eldritch Grove, is that like Bohemian Grove?"

      Adams suddenly looked offended as he said, "Bohemian Grove is like a circus for children. No, Eldritch is one of the few gatherings of the true power players."

      Murphy sank deeper into his seat. This conversation was definitely not good. If Adams was telling the truth then he had just leaked some very sensitive information to him. He learned of this group without going through initiation which might be a problem for him in the long run. Looking down at his hands Murphy contemplated on what to do next.

      Murphy said, "I doubt that I am in the club."

      Adams relaxed a little as he said, "You are a smart guy Murphy... Just think about it. I can drive you if you want."

      A small grin slowly appeared on Murphy's face as he realized that Adams had only given him one option. The illusion of choice was given but there was only one logical answer. He would have to attend this gathering to not receive any negative repercussions. The moment Adams saw Murphy smile Adams began to relax.

      "So do we leave now, or do we wait a while?" Murphy asked bluntly.

      Adams replied immediately, "We should definitely go right now if we don't want to be late due to traffic."

      Murphy definitely did not enjoy the position he was in. He was not a particularly caring politician, but he was clean. Now he was being dragged into the political underbelly of the country. He just wished that he did not have to do anything compromising during this gathering at Eldritch Grove. Finishing his mental complaining he tidied up his desk before making his way to the door of his office.

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