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I was walking, all by myself.
In a moderate pace, not too slow, not too fast.

I look back just one more  time, knowing it will be the last, promising it will be the last.

People standing still and looking from behind me, watching me walk away. They're no longer running. They're no longer chasing.

None of them ever did, do that for me.

Some just standing, some pretending to walk my way, some walking the other way.

I just keep walking.

It feels good. It feels right.

I am alone, but I am happy.

I am happy, but I am alone.

Loneliness is good at times, but what once was a fresh breath of air quickly turns into a suffocating smoke i cannot escape.

I keep my head down and crouch lower.

You hold my hand, and I can breathe, I gasp for air and hold my head up again.

We are walking side by side, and the world around us is silent.

It feels good. Being alone with you.

I pull my hand away from yours, but I'm still walking by your side.

You grab my hand again.

I laugh it off and pull it back, I put it in my pocket.

You grab my hand again.

I shrug and twist, and I keep walking as I pull my hand away and hold it with the other.

You grab my hand again.

I pull it back and keep pulling, but we are glued this time.

I let you hold my hand as I keep walking.

The world around us loses color, but it gains its sound.

The sounds are getting louder.

They overwhelm my mind.

I get closer, and you hold me tight

And the world once again gets silent.

One step, two steps, the steps, four.

I feel a breeze of wind beside me for the first time in a while.

And as I open my eyes, you're no longer by my side.

I focus my vision, and there you are, in front of me, walking.

So I run and grab your hand, holding it tighter.

You smile, and we keep on our way. And tho the road is rocky, I still keep my balance while I hold onto your hand for guidance. 

One step, three steps, i lost count.

I open my eyes and see you in front of me once more.

I run and grab your hand, even tighter this time.

I ask you why you left, you said you didn't, you're right here.

I walk and stumble, and my feet seem to struggle.

I ask if you can carry me and you say you can.

And here I am, walking on my own two feet still.

One step and I stop in my tracks.

I look around, and you're in front of me once more.

I run after you and grab your hand even tighter than before, I dig my nails in it as you wince and pull it out of my reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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