Chapter Five: Keep Going

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         Nothing has been the same since Raven died. It hasn't even been 24 hrs since her burial and already I miss her like crazy. Already Lark and I have argued about her. He couldn't handle her death? What kind of backwards reasoning was that? Raven wasn't his best friend, she was mine. Slamming the door shut behind me, I hobble my way to the main doors of the school, the parking lot is bustling with people and students flitting about, but I don't care. I just keep my eyes on the doors. I've taken no more than five steps when a warm hand curls around my arm and his deep voice surrounds me.

"El, wait. Don't go inside like this. We can't be fighting with each other, Raven wouldn't have wanted that." How the hell does he know what she would and wouldn't have wanted? Lark pulls me to his side, his fingers grazing my waist as he spins me towards me. He always did know how to move so smoothly, how to make me forget that he's a pain in my ass.

"Elowen, sweetheart, please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I just couldn't handle it. Raven may not have been that close to me, but she was still my friend. We still hung out all the time, just the three of us. Now... Now it's just two. I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold your hand at the funeral, or to kiss away your tears."

His apology fills some small hole within me with a warmth that I didn't know I needed. "I'm sorry I got upset with you." He shakes his head and leans in towards me, his fingers now cupping my cheeks as he lowers his lashes and whispers against my face, "I want to show you how sorry I am."

Blush skitters along my cheeks, neck and arms. I'm sure I look like a lobster but I also don't care. I don't care that people can see as Lark leans in and kisses me deeply in the middle of the school parking lot. I don't care that teachers are frowning at us as his fingers slide into my hair and tug me closer.

And I certainly don't care about the fact that the warning bell has just gone off and we're still in the parking lot lip locked. When Lark pulls back, the day seems a little brighter. My chest feels lighter and it's almost as if some small piece of us has begun to fall back into place. Almost like we're El and Lark again.

    "Apology noted," I mumble as that's all I can think to say after such an amazing kiss like that. Lark grins and winks at me, his bangs falling into his eyes and I can't stop myself from brushing them away. Now it's his turn to blush. "Come on, we're going to be late," he laughs and I shake my head but take his hand. Together we walk up the stairs and enter the school, the halls just as busy as always but something is a little lighter this time. I'm not dreading being here as much as I was this morning.

Lark walks me to English before releasing my hand. He bends to kiss me deeply once more, his teeth nibbling my lower lip before pulling away and saying, "I'll see you at lunch." I nod, in such a daze at his random display of affection.

    "I love you." I whisper in response, "I love you too, El." He says just before turning and slipping down the hallway. With the biggest grin on my face, I enter the classroom and take a seat wondering what other surprises today has in store.

"Okay class, we are going to try something a little different today. For your in-class project, I want you to write something down about a person, place, or thing that means a lot to you and I would like for you to pass it in at the end of class. Now this can be a short letter, a long one, it can be a quote, or a drawing. Anything as long as you incorporate what they/it means to you. You may begin."

This project couldn't have come at the worst time. I'm unsure what I'm going to do as the person who meant the most to me is gone. Opening my notebook to an empty page, I just stare at the blank sheet until words start pouring from my fingers. Lifting my pen to the page, I begin to write allowing my emotions to take over.

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