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A year after the defeat of former captain turn traitor Sosuke Aizen, with the price of losing his soul reaper powers, Ichigo thought it would be alright for once for him to have a normal high school life, but you know as they say you don't know what you had until it's gone applied when ginjo a former substitute soul reaper tricked him which in the long run ended up hurting the people he loved. Though with the help of Rukia and the other captain and lieutenant he got his powers back which he used to take down ginjo, while clashing blades he could tell all the pain and hatred ginjo had of the soul society but he couldn't let him get away with hurting people, Ichigo solemnly ended the life of the man which he later decided to give a proper burial. After a meeting with head captain genrusai Yamamoto and the other squad captain Ichigo headed of to the senkaimon leading to the world of the living

Rukia: Ichigo!!!

Ichigo: Rukia, why are you here

Rukia: just wanted to see you off and to say that you have some balls to talk to the head captain like that

Ichigo: jeez I haven't even left yet and you guys are gossiping already

Rukia: hehehe, can you blame us it's a big deal, but what I'm really here for to see you off

Ichigo: jeez your acting like I'm going away and I'm not coming back plus you can visit the world of the living anything

Rukia: yeah but I will probably busy

Ichigo: no matter As long as you visit once in awhile

Rukia: will do, bye Ichigo

Ichigo: bye Rukia

Ichigo gave the Raven haired soul reaper a smirk as the senkaimon door closed behind him. Ichigo was reminiscing for awhile as he ran down the corridor of the dangai which unexpectedly shook violently which got the orange haired teen stopping

Ichigo: that was weird never seen it done that before

The dangai shook violently again with also this time the walls looked like they were melting

Ichigo: neither that, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!

Without noticing it Ichigo was swallowed by the restrictive current
where the teen blacked out


You could hear the pit, pat has rain drops pelted people's driveway and roof. The scene cuts to a witches apartment where she fed her cat with bowl of cat food

???: here baby c'mon, good girl

The cat happily ate what her master left out for, the woman walked over to a altar where she light the candle with the touch of her finger, a dark figure watched her closely outside her window, the woman started chanting a spell

???: Ancient one of the earth so deep, master of moon and sun. I shield you in my Wiccan way, here in my circle round, asking you to protect this space, and offer your sun force down

The mysterious figure scared the cat away and walked up behind her has the witch hummed, she felt someone's presence and turned around startled

???: oh it's you what are you doing here

The mysterious figure took out a knife and plunged it into the woman, she felt the last grasp of air in her gave out as she fell down dead and the mysterious figure fled


Standing outside with a umbrella shielding her from the rain was a woman with dark brown hair, this was piper halliwell the middle sister of three, piper walks through the door shutting her umbrella and raincoat and spied Prue the older of the three sisters fixing the chandelier

A SOUL REAPER LUCKY CHARM Where stories live. Discover now