Chapter 2.

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Kyn's POV

"Finally, I can go and get some food. I'm starving."

I smile as I save my rough draft of my paper for class. Once saved, I shut down my computer and grab my phone unlocking it. Scrolling through the many apps I have on my phone, I make it to TikTok and the first thing I notice is my best friend, Andrea, dancing to some viral song. I laugh as I watch her hit the moves flawlessly. I pull up her comment section replying to it as I always do.

'Purrr best friend!! U ate dat right off the bone!' I add a couple emojis after typing out my comment then click send.

I continue to scroll and stop once a video of my ex pops up. It's a video of him smoking while lip syncing lyrics to a rap song. I analyze it and feel a wave of sadness rush over me. It's been about a month since my breakup with Fier and I have been struggling with the huge change.

From the random outbursts of tears, to wanting to reach out to him, the disgust and anger I constantly feel, the emptiness that sneaks up on me, especially at night. I'm constantly trying to busy myself to not think too long about him. No one ever mentions the levels of grief you have to endure and just how horrible and ugly this shit can get. I wish I was done with the tears already though. Make up has been off limits for me lately. I miss getting dolled up and feeling my best.

I click on his profile and immediately begin to regret it once I see a video of him and some girl I've never seen before. They were in the video dancing together and the more I watched, the angrier I got. I scoff as I watch, feeling myself grow jealous and frustrated. All of our videos together were deleted, which makes sense, but damn. He couldn't wait to find another bitch to be around.

"Typical." I say to myself as I block him. I close the app and stand up from my bed, stretching tall and for a while, exhaling deeply at the end of it. I text Dia to see if she wants something to eat and sit my phone on my bed before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

On the way out of the door, my phone chimes three times and I look down at the screen. I'm expecting to see Dia's name pop up along with her order. I have two messages from her and one message from an unsaved number. I frown and unlock my phone opening the text. It reads:

'i miss you man unblock me please'

It becomes pretty obvious who the text is from and I throw my head back in annoyance. I take a moment to myself to simply breathe and then I decide to give it to God. After reading Dia's message, I head out to go get lunch.

🎶My baby, she dont like nobody. I gotta keep her right beside me...🎶 Toosi's lyrics blast from my car as I pull up to this popular chicken spot me and Dia love going to.

I instantly skip the song because it reminds me of Fier. It's the song he dedicated to me on our 6 month anniversary and he always plays it whenever I'm in the car with him. My mind takes me back to to flashbacks of him singing along with Toosi at the top of his lungs, while holding my hand. I remember smiling and giggling at him the whole time. I would even sometimes dance and he'd be my biggest hype man.

"God give me strength." I take my keys out of the ignition and I grab my purse then head inside. There's a ton of cars in the parking lot so I know it's busy but I don't mind waiting. I'm craving some sweet red chili wings, which are my favorite, and this spot makes them the best.

I walk into the establishment and notice people sitting down nearby waiting for their orders. Heads turn towards me and I scan everyone over while getting in line. I fold my arms and wait patiently as I listen to the workers call out orders. The one thing I love about this place is how organized they seem. The wait time isn't that long either given that it's always poppin' up here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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