Sorrow | | Chapter 3

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Kenji POV

 I watched in horror as ben was holding on to Darius with his life and should I wanted to move but I couldn't I guess you can say I was frozen in fear. I could not react until I heard an eir piercing scream I looked as ben was the one that screamed and was now loudly crying. I was confused at first then I looked  at his hands both of his hands were on his face.

He dropped Darius. Who is going to help us now,  Darius knew everything about dinosaurs and our guide. He was kinda  like our leader now that he was gone who is our new leader. I watched as Brooklyn stood up and yelled 

" I get that Darius is gone but now we have to help ourselves. If we do not get off this train we all will die. Wasn't Darius last words was for all of us to survive, Lets use those words and transer them into power" 

'How could she just throw aside Darius like he was nothing I get it she used his quote but the look in her eyed were not sadness but something else. ' I though until Brooklyn once again said 

"Lets jump now so we don't crash like that other train" After she said that she jumped of the train and we slowly started jumping down.

Brooklyn POV

As we jumped off the train we passed out as we hit the floor. When we all awoke I could see it was now daytime and everyone was still asleep. Kenji was on a tree dangling. Sami and Yaz were in a bush and ben was sleeping on bumpy. After I woke up first I thought about many ways we could survive. I knew that the escape ship have already floated away and now it was just us.

'We can probably use the extra materials of the camp and use them to create a little tree house we can't survive on land cause of Dino stampedes. So we can create a little tree house with the extra materials of the camp site and fence and we can use there river for water.' I thought. While the others were asleep I started to walk towards the camp alone 'If I find it, it would be alot easier to get their faster if I already know the way' I thought once again. After a couple minutes I found the old broken down campsite and marked it on the map. 

Once done I walked back to that part of the forest were we fell to see everyone starting to stir awake.

"Good morning guys" I said as in return I got many mornings back.

"I have an idea but how about we go to the our old campsite first while I tell you ok" After I said that I got many confusing looks from the 4 tired people.

// After Everyone Woke Up//

//After Brooklyn told the plan//

"How about I sketch the blueprint so we get an idea of what it can be ok?" Yazmina said as she looked at us for an answer. "Of course yaz that's the perfect thing to do" After I  said that yaz started working on her blueprint. 

// 1 month later // 

Sami POV

 We finally completed our tree house after 1 month and still no sign of Darius. 

Although most of us have healed from the Darius accident

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Although most of us have healed from the Darius accident. Ben has been acting different, after the accident ben has been more hard and distant than ever before. He started using bumpy as an escape from us.

When I got out of the camp I took a little walk to enjoy the scenery. But while I was walking I spotted ben and bumpy eating some berries. As I watched them from afar I realized that it is best to talk to them as I got closer I noticed ben got more stiff but I ignored it. 

"Hey ben you alright?" I asked ben but ben hasn't answered at all, all he did was walk away. As I followed ben I saw him walking back to the camp. "Hey ben what you got there?" I pointed out noticing ben had something in his hand. "Berries I got us some berries for a little treat tonight." *Oh that's good seems like ben is finally warming up to us again* I thought. "So ben what do you thing we should do tonight?" I said trying to get some conversation starting. "Sleeping" Ben replied. 

"Oh" as I said that ben started walking faster obviously trying to get away from me. I stopped and watched him walk away. "Um... HEY BEN YOU KNOW THAT WAY ISN'T THE WAY BACK FROM CAMP RIGHT!!!" He ignored me and walked off. *What a weird boy* I thought walking away from ben and going to camp.


Hey you guys thanks for the support throughout this book I am really trying to get back into it again and hopefully get more writing in.

If anyone has any suggestions for this book I will kindly take so all suggestions to make the book better all appreciated.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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