t e n: awake

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No photo for today I'm so sorry  😭

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That's the first thing I notice when my brain finally starts working again. I'm engulfed in eternal coziness, blankets surrounding me and my very own teddy bear hugging me back. I squeeze higher, not wanting to let go of my large stuffed animal.

I see a flash from behind my eyelids, waking me up from my very comfortable slumber. Hearing giggling, I reluctantly open my eyes to see the rest of our friend group taking photos of me and my teddy.

"You and Walker are absolutely precious," Dior squeals, snapping yet another photo.

Wait. Me and Walker?

I'm fully awake now, seeing that I'm lying underneath my bed sheets, practically hugging my teddy bear, or rather, Walker- to death. My face starts to heat up, and not from just the toastiness of the body beside me. I scrunch my nose in annoyance, directing it towards the people standing over us, of course.

I try to get up, but it seems like I am not the only one keeping a tight grip on the person next to me. Walker's hold on me wasn't tight enough to hurt, but definitely tight enough to keep me in place.

I whine. "Walker, I love you but let go!"

Despite my wailing, he's still asleep, though he lets go of me and rolls the other way, covering himself with the blanket. Typical Walker, not wanting to get out of bed.

I prop myself up on my elbows, staring at people in front of me with a bleak expression, waiting for them to bombard me with questions. It's obvious they're going to make this a big deal, even though it really isn't.

To me at least.

Well maybe it is a big deal, but whatever.

Leah quite literally drags me out of bed and into the hallway, banging my head on the floor and accidentally bumping my elbow into the doorway.

"This is bullyism! Man-handling! Abuse!" I cry in protest.

Charlie snorts and says, "Thug it out, loser."

That shuts me up until Leah stops at our destination: the other side of the hotel hallway, in front of her room. Dior sits down, criss-cross-applesauce style, and the rest of the group follows.

Aryan stares deep into my eyes smirking. "So, Lover Girl?"

I glance between him and the others. "What?" I ask. "And what's with the nickname?"

"Stop acting like you don't know what we're talking about," Dior grins.

Sighing, I cross my arms, answering the question inside all of their heads. "It's not like that."

Leah and Charlie scoff in unison. "Oh please- as if you haven't liked him since day one," Leah says.

I narrow my eyes at them, fake smiling. "Yeah yeah, you caught me. What's the big deal?"

"We caught you with what?" Aryan teases, prodding my sides.

"You caught me being all cutesie patootsie with Walker, like I am every day. So what if I like him? It's no big deal, really."

Charlie shakes his head. "Young love."

"Whatever you say, Paize." Leah says, walking away.

Dior follows after telling me, "Just meet us downstairs in thirty, I already told Momo and Leens we would go shopping with them."

I groan, getting up and trudging back to my room, leaving the two boys alone in the hall.

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Good lord this chapter is hellllllllllla short-

I thought I would have more time to write over break but we ended up traveling and seeing stuff WAYYYYY more than I thought we would- and I had to share a room with my sibling so I couldn't write at nighttttt

I'm so sorry guys! but I'm also trying to wrap this book up low-key bc I want to get started on another one lmao (I would start it now but then I'll start having commitment issues and never finish this one AND THIS IS LIKE 16K WORDS SO I CANT DO THAT TO ME OR TO YALL)

So I'm going to have to skip a lot of stuff I had in my plotline- hopefully it won't seem rushed!

I'm so tired helppp (Yesterday I went to bed at like 3 am but forgot I had to wake up at 5 am) IM STAYING UP LATE TONIGHT ANYWAYS THO


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