Chapter IV

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,,You are my everything,
I'll do for you anything.
You are my light,
In darkness bright.

You're keeping me sane,
When world's not the same.
I wanna hold you close,
I'll hold you close."

,,You're hard to contact, Spiderman..." Said Nick Fury when Peter entered.
Peter froze in place.
,,Surprised?" Asked Fury and Peter unfroze (is that even a word!? you know what? Idc) immediately.
,,A little yeah... What are you doing here. Now?" Asked Peter as sincerely as he could.
,,Well. You didn't accept my calls so I went straight here. But let's get this over with. Your first mission with the Avengers is next week. I will send you location where to be." Fury stood up and in seconds. He wqs gone.
Peter's phone dinged and he looked who did text him.

Unknown number
Roof of the Avengers Tower.

Thought Peter and looked out the window.
Peter put on his Spiderman suit without hesitate and the best thunk he did was swinging through the New York.
He stopped some muggings, tries of kidnapping and some bully from punching eleven years old girl.
He swang back to his room in orphanage and put his suit under a bed.
His mind went to the next week.
How will the Avengers react about him being there? Will everything go well? Why did even Nick Fury contact him? Will he do anything helpful?
Well. He hopes so.
Looks like he realy must wait for the next week to come.
How exciting.
He looked at the window and it was still open.
It was dark outside but you could hear cars dashing through the city.
Peter closed it and looked at his phone.
But nothing new.
How did it even happen!? Working with the Avengers?! What happened to his Parker Luck?
Maybe it in on vacation? Don't get your hopes up, Peter...
Peter was thinkong about everything that can go wrong. He was thinking so hard that he didn't know he was falling asleep. Until he was asleep.

,,What if will anything happen to Spiderman on the mission?" Asked Maria Hill her boss.
,,Nothing will happen to him. Did you see him in action, Hill? You know that Avengets need someone who has their backs. They are acting like children all the time...
They need Spiderman."
,,Well. Where is the mission?" Asked agent Hill.
,,Hydra." Said Fury, ,,We found one base near us. We must only hope that they don't know we have found them..."

Another chapter, guysssssss.
There will be some sadness soon, too.
Just don't kill me.
I am not English or American so if spelling is wrong 1. I am sorry. 2. You can correct me. 3. But I don't really care sooo. Yeah.
Hope you like the fic.
See you. <3 (See? I don't think so.)

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