III. A Familiar Feeling

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A/N: If you guys couldn't already tell, I'm in love with the trope of two people being in love with each other for years/centuries and trying to deny those feelings, but when they meet again, those feelings come back (Kavetham and Jingren..). Also I can't stop thinking about Blade who's in love with DH still but JY who's also in love with Blade will try to do everything he can to make him happy but Blade's happiness only lies with DH (I'm so sorry 🙏)

QOTC: If you were to follow a path in hsr, what path would you follow?


"Ugh, when is Blade going to get here? Did he not receive your letter?" Silver Wolf groaned. She and Kafka had been waiting on the rooftop of a building in the Xianzhou Luofu for a while.

Kafka shrugged her shoulders, "Hm, perhaps not."

"Seriosuly, Kafka?" Silver Wolf stood up from the balcony railing and turned to face Kafka, "You're not in the slightest bit tired of waiting for him? Or even worried about him?"

Kafka just smiled and shook her head, "Oh, Silver Wolf. Did you forget he's Blade? He's going to be all right, we don't have to worry." Then, suddenly, she got a notification from her phone, "Ah, there it is. The text message from Bladie."

Kafka, I won't be meeting you today. Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

"But don't we need him for this mission to continue either way?" Silver Wolf asked, perplexed. The sole reason they met there was to discuss more on how they could obtain this Stellaron.

Kafka sighed, leaning against the railing "Well, in a sense, yes. But plans change, Silver Wolf." She looked over her shoulder to admire the city down below. "I wonder if that general somehow convinced him to stay... I mean, it'd be a good thing if he did. Bladie would finally have someone to confide to after centuries of being alone. And for it to be that general? I don't know, but I think Bladie really wants to get closer to him."

Silver Wolf then walked over closer to Kafka, looking down at the night time scenery, "Well, when you put it in a way like that, you almost made me feel bad about wanting him to come out and help us instead of resting and staying comfortable. Just almost though."

Kafka giggled softly, a smile appearing on her lips, "Come on now. Let's carry on with our mission. Just let him do whatever he needs to do. I'm sure he'll meet with us tomorrow." She stated, walking towards the stairs.

"Hey, wait up!" Silver Wolf yelled, following right after her.


Jing Yuan was sitting on his bed, reading a random book that was sitting on his shelf. Meanwhile, Blade was laying on his side of the bed on his phone. He probably just wanted to distract himself instead of just coming up with some kind of plan to exact his vengeance on Dan Heng. Because, that was literally all that was on his mind for the past centuries. This feeling was new to him, yet familiar. He had this feeling so long ago that he could barely remember it anymore. The two men sat in silence, minding their own business. They had no business to talk to each other either way.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "General Jing Yuan, Master Diviner Fu Xuan is looking for you."

Jing Yuan immediately recognized it was Yanqing'a voice. However, he was bewildered by the fact that the Master Diviner needed him at such a late time. He stood up and walked towards the door, "Okay, I'm coming."

Before Jing Yuan opened the door, he turned to look at Blade, in which their eyes met. Jing Yuan turned back around, "Don't let anyone know you're here. It's best for both me and you." He whispered so Yanqing couldn't hear from the other side of the door, but so that Blade could hear as well. Then, he walked out.

Blade shut his eyes tightly. He didn't know why he'd just tell Kafka he wouldn't be meeting her so he could stay with Jing Yuan rather than just meeting Kafka to continue on the mission. He wanted to regret his decision, but he didn't, for some reason. It felt off... Him and Jing Yuan haven't had a proper conversation in centuries. So, why would that change now? Blade never cared to come back in contact with Jing Yuan all those years, so why now? Why did he feel so much in need to fix their relationship? Why now after so many centuries? He couldn't understand. Was he too focused on Dan Heng? But.. Dan Feng was his one and true love. Why did he feel such a way about someone like Jing Yuan? Ugh. So many dumb thoughts. Blade shook them off, and continued to distract himself with his phone.

After around half an hour, Jing Yuan walked back into the room, in which Blade was already about to fall asleep. However, he fully woke up due to the sound of the door creaking. It wasn't even that loud...

Blade sat up and his eyes met Jing Yuan's. He cleared his throat, "What did she call you for?" He asked, trying to start a random conversation.

Jing Yuan walked over to the bed, sitting down. He then sighed deeply, as if to express that he was tired, "She found out that you escaped, again, and she commissioned me to go and find you or whatever. That's why you can't let her know-"

"I can't let her know I'm here. Yeah, I think I got it. You said that so many times already." Blade cut him off and stated sarcastically.

"Well- That's because it's very important. And who knows if I can trust you or not?" Jing Yuan defended himself. He then laid down and gave another deep sigh.

Blade also laid back down, his back facing Jing Yuan, "I don't know, but if I didn't trust someone, I wouldn't sneak them into the palace of the Divination Commission, especially if I was the general."

It was clear Jing Yuan had a lot of trust and care in Blade, for some reason. He didn't know why he was so drawn to him. Why was it showing only now? Or has it always been there and he was just hiding his feelings because Yingxing was dating Dan Feng? Either way, Jing Yuan hated it. He hated that he just wanted to make Blade happy, knowing that the only person Blade ever cared about was Dan Feng.

"I'm going to go sleep now. I have to get up early for work tomorrow, and give Master Diviner some stupid excuse on why I wasn't responsible enough to catch you escaping." Jing Yuan said. He slept on his side, back facing Blade, "Feel free to leave to meet your Stellaron Hunter friends any time you want..  just.. don't get caught. And... Good night, Ren."

That good night, for some reason, made Blade get a tingling feeling in his stomach. It was a familiar feeling, one which he hadn't felt in centuries. "Good night, A-Yuan.." He whispered, but loud enough for Jing Yuan to hear.

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