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Soobin had just settled onto his bed, ready to relax. He was scrolling through his phone, mindlessly checking social media trying to divert his mind from the unusual thoughts he was getting about Y/N. Suddenly, a notification popped onto the screen. He clicked on it.

< Hey Soobin. It's me, Mi-Rae.
Meet me at six at the cafe down
the street. I have got information
regarding the video. >

< 👍🏻 >

He felt a jolt of surprise and concern. He quickly got up, grabbed his jacket, and headed out to meet Mi-rae.

<I just wish it's not something I really don't want.>

When he arrived at the cafe, Mi-rae was already there, sitting at a table with a serious expression. He waved at her and sat down, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Mi-rae : Here, have this. it's cola. I don't know what you prefer so I just ordered this.

Soobin : I don't want it. Tell me what did you find out.

Mi-rae : Dude, you will actually need something cool after what I am going to tell you.

She took a long breath and showed him the chat she had with the one who sent her the video.

Mi-rae : I actually got curious about this person and I assumed it to be someone from our college only.

Soobin : Did you find out?

Mi-rae : Yes.

Soobin : Who was it?

Mi-rae : What will I get in return?

Soobin : Is it something to put a deal on?

Mi-rae : Of course!

Soobin : What do you want?

Mi-rae : Red bean cakes. There are only a few left!

Soobin : I will after you tell me.

Mi-rae : I asked my friend, who is from the information technology department and he traced down the IP address. It belonged to Da-eun.

He hastily got up but she suddenly pulled her hand.

Mi-rae : I am not done yet.

He sat down.

Mi-rae : I even had a word with her. She was so hard to handle.


Mi-rae : Why did you do it?

Da-eun : What?

Mi-rae : The video. It was you who sent it to me, ain't you?

Da-eun : What video? I don't know any!

Mi-rae: Then why are you trembling?

Da-eun: I'm not trembling!

Mi-rae : Stop shouting. My brother already ate my head this morning. What are you upto?

Da-eun : What do you mean?

Mi-rae : There is no means for you to lie and hide things. The IP address I had given to track down belongs to you. Now will you tell the truth? I have other ways too.

Da-eun : What do you want?

Mi-rae : Is the girl in the video Y/N?

Da-eun : N-No.

Mi-rae : Then what is that?

Daeun : It's one of my friend. The guy in the video is from our class only. We f-framed it.

Mi-rae : Do you realise how stupid are you?

Da-eun : Stupid? Me? Stupid is Soobin to date a girl two years below him.

Mi-rae : Why? You also dated a college guy back then in high school? Don't you recall?

Da-eun : Why are you bringing him up!

Mi-rae : Not my fault if you got cheated on. I will be leaving first.


Soobin felt a mix of emotions—relief that Y/N wasn't involved, but also confusion and anger at Da-eun who had done it.

Mi-rae : My red bean cake?

The Next Day

Y/N was walking down the corridor, lost in her thoughts, when suddenly she felt a hand grab her from behind. She gasped, ready to scream, but then she heard Soobin's voice.

Soobin : Shh, it's just me.

Before Y/N could react, Soobin gently pulled her towards the staircase leading to the rooftop. Confused yet intrigued, Y/N followed him, wondering now what he had in mind.

When they reached the rooftop, Soobin let go of her hand and turned to face her. The city stretched out before them, the lights twinkling in the distance.

Soobin : You don't have to worry about the video anymore. It's not you.

Y/N : Why are you telling this to me now?

Soobin : Y/N, sometimes life poses tough situations ahead of us and we can't help but get confused and troubled facing them. I agree I had a doubt in mind but at the same time, I was hell as worried about you!

Y/N : You didn't listen to me when I told you to. I don't want to talk to you. Let me go now.

Y/N turned back, ready to leave, but Soobin was not yet ready to let her leave just like that. He grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her towards him bringing her body in contact with his with their lips onto each other.

At first, Y/N tried to pull away, but Soobin's kiss was so full of longing and regret that she couldn't resist. She melted into the kiss, letting go of her anger and hurt, if only for a moment.

When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless. Soobin looked into Y/N's eyes, his heart pounding.

Soobin : I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. I promise I'll do better.

Y/N looked at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. She nodded, not trusting her voice. Soobin pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close.

Soobin : Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?

Y/N : Date?

Soobin : Just the two of us. We have never hung out alone before.

Y/N : Where would we go?

Soobin : I remember you told me during our camp that you wanted to go to an amusement park. We can go there tomorrow.

Y/N : Really?

Soobin hummed while nodding his head making Y/N jump slightly in excitement.

Soobin : You know, I love you. Let me make it up to you this way.

Y/N's heart swelled with love and gratitude. She hugged him back tightly, feeling the warmth of his embrace.

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