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The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon as the group of friends arrived at their camping spot. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of pine trees and campfire smoke. The sky above was a canvas of deepening blues and oranges, with the first stars beginning to twinkle into view.

Yeonjun : Beomgyu and Kai, you both have to set up the tents, you remember?

Beomgyu : Thanks for your not-so-gentle reminder.

Kai : We do.

Yeonjun : Soobin and Y/N, why are you still standing here? Go and collect the firewood.

Soobin : Who do you think you are?

Yeonjun : The leader for the camp.

Y/N : We're off.

Yeonjun : Taehyun, I count on you for a good meal for the day!

Taehyun : Just back off.

Yeonjun : Ga-Yeong-

Ga-Yeong : I am going to lay by the tree for a while.

Yeonjun : But you were supposed to be with me.

Yeonjun followed Ga-Yeong as she walked looking for a shady place to lay down.


Y/N and Soobin ventured into the woods to collect firewood for their evening campfire. As they gathered sticks and logs, Soobin playfully nudged Y/N, causing her to drop a small branch.

Y/N : Soobin, watch it!

Y/N laughed, picking up the branch whereas Soobin grinned pretending to be innocent.

Soobin : Oops, my bad. I was just trying to help.

Y/N : Yeah, right. You're just trying to get out of carrying the heavy logs.

Soobin : Now, I'm the muscles of this operation. You're the brains, remember?

Soobin joked, flexing his arms.

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head.

Y/N : If by brains you mean I have to remind you not to drop the firewood, then sure, I'm the brains.

Soobin laughed, picking up a large log.

Soobin : Fine, fine, I'll be more careful. Can't have you doing all the heavy lifting.

As they worked, Soobin couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, admiring her from afar. Finally, unable to resist any longer, he set down his bundle of wood and walked over to her.

Soobin : Y/N, can I steal a moment with you?

Soobin asked her, his voice being soft. Y/N looked up, curious by his request.

Y/N : Of course.

Soobin took her hands in his, his gaze locking with hers.

Soobin : I just... I can't hold back anymore.

Before Y/N could respond, Soobin leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate moment, their surroundings fading away as they lost themselves in each other.

When they finally pulled away, they were both breathless, their hearts pounding in sync. Soobin rested his forehead against Y/N's, his eyes closed as he savored the moment.

Soobin : I've been wanting to do that for so long.

Y/N smiled, her heart overflowing with happiness.

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