Bite Back

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(Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was very busy, but ill post more often, Enjoy!)

    Kickin was sleeping next to Bubba for about 20 minutes before he woke up. He got up and stretched his legs after fixing his feathers. He decided to go out and use his skateboard that he now called his "Bubba Board."

   Kickin grabbed his board, and walked out the door, closing it behind him quietly to not wake Bubba.

  After walking for a while, he made it to his iconic ramp, he placed his board down and skated. Kickin skated for a while, but then took a break, sitting on the bench Bubba usually read on.

  Kickin closed his eyes for barely even 2 seconds, before he heard the giggles of Bobby and Picky. His eyes snapped open, and looked over with a glare.

  Picky was about to pick up the board but was stopped by a yellow feathery hand. She looked up to see the glaring face of Kickin, who was NOT messing around today.

  "Oh~ look, someone angry?" Picky teased, snatching her hand away with a smirk.

  "What are you gonna do? Hit me-" Picky was about to finish her sentence, but was struck with a punch to her face faster then you could blink.

  She fell onto the ground holding her nose, which was bleeding, as Bobby looked at Kickin angry and shocked.

"Guess I did, didn't I?" Kickin said, mocking Picky's words while dusting off his hands.

  Bobby stepped forward, about to say something, but was interrupted by Kickin.

  "I suggest you say nothing, and leave before you get a piece of what Biggie got.." Kickin said, glaring deep into Bobby's eyes as if burning a hole into her soul.

  Bobby didn't hesitate and ran off, as Picky quickly stumbled up and followed. Kickin went over and picked up his board, and sat back on the bench with it next to him.

  By this time, Bubba had woken up and already had his coffee in his hand. Bubba saw it all, and found it hot (ofc he did😒), and walked over to Kickin.

Bubba sat next to Kickin and put his coffee down on the table next to the bench, and moved closer to Kickin.

  "So, how was your little Bite Back?" Bubba asked with a smirk, as he pulled Kickin closer by his waist.

  Kickin smiled, and gave Bubba a kiss on the cheek, before laying his head onto his lap. Bubba smiled back, and stroked Kickin's head feathers as they talked.

  Kickin knew that Bobby and Picky would be back for revenge. But he didn't Care, because he will be waiting with his fists up and ready.

(464 words!!)

(This was short but ill make a longer part later on)

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now