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And the end, we finished re-translating the novel 'During The Blizzard' by Mobao Feibao

This English translation won't be successful without these people, so allow me to give our deepest thanks.

Proofreader: J.C Forester (Mrphysit)
Raw Provider: Soyani
Translator: Wuxia Studio

Editor in Chief: M.H Lovecraft (she offers her service for free)


Mai Mai Exclusive ( a fandom of Zhao Jinmai in Finland, they offers their service to us after the announcement of the filming of the drama adaptation.

Twins Fantastic - who edits some of our chapters for free and donates to us?
You can visit their page on Facebook.

Queen's Digital Arts - who offers their service for free
You can visit their page on facebook

J.C Forester - Another talented writer who proofreads the novel and edits some of the chapters, he offers his service for free.

and to all the readers who keeps voting for us and reading this novel. Thank you so much.

- Wuxia Studio

During The Blizzard (Amidst A Snowstorm Of Love)Where stories live. Discover now