The Forgotten Inmate.

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In the land of Ireland off the coast of Cork, an island called Spike Island held a prison holding a variety of disgusting inmates from mass murders to downright insanity, this prison held somewhat over 1200 inmates and only a half dozen was in solitary confinement known to all as the forgotten inmates not because they were forgotten but it's that you wanted to forget them.

A Doctor walks through the halls and the grey brick walls of the building, passing the screaming inmates telling him horrendous things, his eyes glazed over with him fed up hearing them all, as his last legs were close upon him.

This man in his mid-thirties, the top of his head bald, while the sides barely clinging on to hair, with a patchy goatee, rounded glasses that he constantly pulls up on his face, he wears a doctor's outfit like every doctor on the island.

He walks to the doors of the lower floors of the building, where these Forgotten inmates, people if you would call them that reside, at the top of the stairs a guard stood asking the doctor for his card which the doctor did.

The guard said, "oh sorry doctor, the equipment is setup down there for you, there are two guards waiting down there also, if things get out of hand."

The doctor smiles at the guard, passing him down to the bottom floor, where two guards stood at the furthest door, six cells where before that, he walks at the opposite side of the wall as he did many times before.

The first cell was empty as it was the person he was to meet, the second held an old fat man just sitting in a chair only looking at him, the second one was thankfully sleeping in his bed, the third a woman snapping to look at the doctor she being in a straitjacket she said "hello there gorgeous, you want to see me naked?"

Ignoring that he doesn't look at any of them directly as it might set them off, the fourth one a person sitting in the corner rocking back and forth, the fifth person was another woman and once she seen the doctor, she covered her face running to the corner hunching over, the last cell was in darkness all you could see was eyes just staring at him, each encounter unnerved the doctor as he knew their crimes, but this person that he has to speak to is new to this facility, so, it felt slightly more unnerving than the people locked up.

He finally gets to the door where the guards stood either side of it, but before the doctor walked in, he forcefully smiles as one of the guard's hands him the analyses folder on the person inside, what he could hear was chains rattling and slight murmuring, he puts the folder to his chest waiting for a minute just smiling as he was trying to do two things put his nerves at ease and try and look not threatening, he opens the door then after that minute was up seeing an ordinary looking man.

He didn't know what to expect, but not this, a single man rocking back and forth, the chains on his wrist were connected to the floor, staying quiet as the doctor walked in like there's nothing wrong with him.

The man was bald completely and tattooed to the eyeballs, he wore the same uniform as the rest of the inmates, no hair on his face whatsoever, his eyes closed like he was blind and when he did open his eyes, they looked foggy. His every move was like he lived in fear.

The doctor composes himself; he gets to the table that was in front of the man, he then places the folder next to a voice recorder. The doctor fixes the recorder winding back the records then starts the recorder for the interview slash interrogation.

The doctor speaks all the while the man stays quiet just staring at him with his grey diluted eyes "Alright, today is June 1, 1935, twelve pm and the doctor speaking is Arthur Boyle, and the patient is... Gareth O'Donnell 25 and his symptoms seem to be, Dissociation and Theophobia, a fear of God..."

Once he mentioned God, Gareth asked speaking to the end of his breath constantly "why won't you let me die?"

Arthur interrupts "Gareth you are ill, and no one what's you to kill yourself, why do you want to kill yourself anyway?"

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