October 18, 2022

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         On October 18, 2022, a guy named De los Cierros, Yadiel E. sent me a friend request through Instagram. I saw some signs that Yadiel was interested in me which it was fine for me because I used to find him interesting too. Even though I was talking to a guy named Alex who I met in the precinct of the police department where I used to work. Yadiel for me, was more interesting than Alex. My friends and I used to sit all together at a table in the middle of Univerisity of New York where he started to join us and that's how we used to spend most of our evenings until our classes were done. One day, on October 24, 2022, I texted him asking him for advice since we all became friends. I was comfortable asking him for advice about Alex given that I was confused about him. Yadiel, during our conversation, told me "You gotta tell him that you're uncomfortable and ask him for his intention because at the end you don't wanna fall this guy that only wants you for that because it will hurt you" which I was some impressed because never of all the boy I used to talk told me something like that. But most that stood out for me is that Yadiel told me, "Can't settle for little boys that don't care about other people's feelings". I ended up not talking to Alex anymore.

The days passed and interesting things happened between Yadiel and I. Until one day on October 28, 2022, at 11 pm. We were scheduled to play Call of Duty given that we had one of the many things in common. We both used to play PS5. That night instead of playing we talked like our conversation was never gonna end. We shared our type of person that we would probably date one day, our common stuff and we found out that we were both part of a popular program. However, we never crossed paths during that time, even though we went to the same events and parties but we never crossed paths. I guess it was not our time to meet each other during those times. The following day he texted that he enjoyed talking to me which made me feel something. However, I was not strong enough yet to say that I liked him like that. After that day we started texting every day.

On October 31, 2022, I had a Halloween school party and I told him that I was gonna dress up as a pirate. He asked me for pictures of my costume and everything. I was so excited because it was my first event in school ever since I joined a club in college. Around 9 am, my friends and I were waiting and eating breakfast before class. Until I heard one of my best friend saying that she kissed Yadiel at the time. My soul and myself wanted to break in two given that I started to like and fall for this guy. I decided that day to not speak to him ever again. At around noon I received a text from him saying "Pero ma'am where's the pirate, I'm still waiting 🙄" to which I responded "I can't talk to you anymore" and closed my phone. He kept texting me that he needed an explanation and I told him I was able to talk to him during the night.

Around 8:03 pm he texted me again to see if we could talk. I was in the middle of the party, and due to his desperate text I decided to go outside and text him about what occurred. He denied everything and stated that my best friend and he were only and strictly "FRIENDS". That night we created what is called "Pinky Promise" which became one of the most important things in my life and still is. I believed him that night and we continued talking.

On November 01, 2022, I saw him in the morning with my best friend and other friends and they never said Hi or never came to me. It kinda sucked for me because he was proving me wrong about what he said the night before. Until 2:27 pm where I received a text message saying " You Looked Good Today 🤭" which made me smile in a way that I was catching more feeling. During our conversation that day he confessed he liked a Cuban girl which ended up confessing that it was me.

After that day we started talking every day and every night we used Facetime every night until almost 4 am in the morning. We used to laugh a lot, which was one of my favorite things ever. He got to know a bit of my personality and how I was. I used to love it when he was a bit jealous of other guys because he used to give me the impression that he cared about me. Even though, everything was cotton candy and rainbow with him. I used to hear stuff between him and my best friend that was kinda odd for me. I used to go to him and tell him everything and again he denied everything so I used to eat everything. One day, he came to school with a dark blue hoodie, blue jeans, and his black curly hair that I was so impressed with and if I was in love, I was more in love with him. Blue is my favorite color and I thought I could rock blue, but if I could rock blue he could definitely rock blue. That's how I created his second nickname, Mr. Bluey. My Bluey, even though we failed, Mr. Bluey used to be my favorite person, the bluey that I used see and get me nervous about, the bluey I began to love.

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