Chapter Sixty

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It only took a few weeks for the Wizengamont to decide what lay in store for the future of the Ministry of Magic. A lot had happened in those few weeks, and it was enough to make Nyx's head spin.

First off, they actually listened to what she and the others had to say. Bernie and the others had asked her, Draco, Blaise, and Bill to their final meeting, even welcoming Ron, Hermione, and Harry as well to go over everything we had already discussed. Draco, Blaise, and Bill talked over the finding of their investigations, Harry and Ron spoke of the issues within the Ministry currently, having done their research they were rhyming off issues like placing an order for lunch. Hermione spoke of the changes that needed to take place for the community so that everyone felt seen and heard by their leaders. Nyx spoke of her idea and the benefits of having more than one Minister and how they could work, alongside the Chief Warlock and the Senior Undersecretary to make sure that no one is overlooked and all issues and meetings are dealt with in a timely and effective manner.

The Wizengamont were very impressed. Sure they had questions, but the group were ready to answer anything thrown at them, and they did with precision and excellence. No one could deny, that the group had worked hard for this meeting and everyone was able to see that this was a beneficial idea for all.

When it came to the candidates however, there was a lot of arguing on whom should get the positions. Actually a few more names were thrown into the ring. Some ideas, like for example Ernest's name was mentioned and no one was even sure who slipped it into the pile, but it was very quickly rejected. Actually, Anne incinerated the slip of parchment that his name was written on (oddly enough in the same writing that Bernie's signature was written in). Some members of the Wizengamont had put forth their children's or friends names which again were rejected. The candidates at least had to have some experience working within the Ministry or working for an organisation of some sort.

Nyx didn't worry though. She knew whoever was chosen from the list would make a fine addition to the team. She just hoped that her idea actually worked and that the three Ministers got along. She couldn't imagine working with someone she didn't get along with. It would be torturous coming into work every day. Which is probably why she liked working alone.

In terms of Nyx herself and whether or not she was going to stay, she still had not made up her mind. She loved working, and she was good at her job, but she felt like the Ministry was limiting her and what she could do. They were keeping her locked up and the thought of that alone had her gasping for air. She wanted to really make a difference in the world, but she wasn't sure she would get that if she stayed within the Ministry.

Actually it was Kingsley and Draco who ended up swaying her. She was sitting in her office one afternoon going through all her paperwork. One thing that Kingsley had already put in place was that he kept a closer eye on all departments within the Ministry and kept better documentation on what everyone was working on. Nyx was only back to work a few weeks and since her return, she had redone another stock take, this time labelling every item and keeping records of what each item or potion does as well as rewriting her potion recipes in a notebook for future use. It sounded simple, but it actually took her weeks to finish.

But when she had put the last label on her small box, now showcasing the words 'unicorn horn shavings [freely given] (it was a well known fact that if your shaving from the horn were given by the unicorn itself, the shavings were more powerful than if taken by force), she heard her lift door opening. She set the box back on the shelf and exited the store room just as her AI called out 'welcome Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt and Draco Malfoy'. She smiled welcomingly as the two men picked up their wands from the little slot and greeted her.

"I do hope it is alright, my coming to visit?" Kingsley asked nervously.

"This is your Ministry sir," she reminded him. "You do not need my permission to be here. But for the record, you are very welcome."

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