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Warning: mentions of @buse, and bullying.


Warning:sometimes I may not add warnings as it can be quite obvious what will be mentioned.

The house was filled with a silence that you could allow you to hear a pin drop however it did not and instead the silence was broken by the sound of colouring pencils scratching on paper which was created by you, a six year old girl happily drawing and colouring a photo of your older brother Anthony.

Your body leant against the coffee table and your knees pressed against the floor and your tongue stuck out in concentration while you focused on your drawing as you continued the drawing and adding the finishing touches the sound of a door opening was heard from behind you.

Your father Henroin walked out from a room that belonged to a very specific persons as he shut the door behind him leaving it ajar slightly his eyes immediately landed on you and a soft smile spread across his lips.

"What are you drawing, baby girl?" Your father asked looking over your shoulder and at the drawing.

"I'm drawing a picture of Anthony!" You said happily causing his smile that shift into a slight frown and his expression to turn guilty.

"That's...amazing..." he trailed off and pat your head causing you to smiled up at him before he turned the other way and headed into his office.

Oblivious to your father's guilty expression you continued to color until you deemed the drawing finished, putting the pencils to one side you picked up the drawing with a wide smile before standing up and running to your older brothers room.

The same room your father had just walked out of.

"Big brother! I made you a drawing!" You yelled happily as you stood in front of your brothers door and you stood there for five minutes and in that time you didn't get a reply causing your smile to drop slightly into confusion.

"Anthony?" You called out putting your hand against the door which which you now realised was ajar after you pushed it open your eyes widened and tears welled up in your eyes at the sight before your the drawing slipped out of your grip and fell on the floor with a soft thud.

"Anthony!" You cried as adrenaline pumped through your veins sending a message to your brains which caused you to sprint to your brother's limp body your hands grasping his upper arms and gently shaking him.

Lying on the floor millions of empty prescription bottles scattered all over the floor a few pills dotted around the room but not many and in the centre of the room lay Anthony his body completely limp and lifeless as tears uncontrollably poured out of his tear ducts and streamed over his rosy cheeks a crimson solution dripping out of his nose and down his chin.

As hot tears poured out of your eyes and streamed down your cheeks you wrapped your arms around Anthony's waist, putting your ear against his chest listening to the sound of his faint breathing "please....please don't leave me big brother,I need you, I...i love you." You mustered out in between sobs.

Anthony let out a quiet groan causing you to gasp slightly slowly he began to open his eyes looking at you with a hooded gaze he refused to die without making sure you know how much he cares about you.

"I....I love you most...my little...spiderling. I need....you to stay strong for me....i know it will be difficult I'm not gonna lie to you....but you are a strong girl and I know you're gonna grow up to do amazing things....don't ever forget me but don't let my death....bring you down..."he said between winces. "Promise me...that you'll stay strong for me."

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