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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

after my classes, i relax on my bed.

a thing about me, is my bed is my comfort zone.

hours had past since class with chris, and i'm solely waiting for the text from him i still haven't received.

checking the location of nick and ella, i notice they are still at class, so i decide to make dinner for them for when they get back, even though i suck at cooking.

ella is always the cook of the group. her and ethan. their dad phil is an amazing cook and passed those skills down to his kids.

looking in the pantry i find noodles, "surely i can make simple buttery noodles" i reassure myself as i reach for a pot in the bottom cabinets

filling the pot up with water, i turn on the stove and wait for the water to begin boiling when i hear a knock on the front door.

it's chris.

"what are you doing here?" i ask

"well hey to you too, tucker" he utters with an expression that shows he's confused.

"that came off rude, but for real - what are you doing here?" i ask smiling.

he grins, "i came so nick can help me with an assignment"

"nicks not here right now - but if you want to come in a wait for him, he should be back shortly"

"so i guess i'm not getting the silent treatment anymore then huh?" he asks, with his signature smirk.

with the roll of my eyes, i step back, holding the door open for him to come in.

walking in like he owns the place, he jolts down on the couch.

"well, make yourself at home then, why don't you?" i exclaim through chocked giggles

"i will, thank you" he shoots back rapidly.

"i'm making some butter noodles if you want some?" i proceed

"butter noodles? why so bland?"

i scoff, "well -" i think, "i really don't know how to cook. i'm not like the hampton's"

arising from the couch, he walks over to me, "i can help" he adds

"chris, your worse of a cook than i am"

"that's why we help each other." looking around at the kitchen, he pauses, "let's make spaghetti. you have the right noodles. and you've got tomatoes and meat. and we have enough to make some for matt, e, and griff too." he exclaims.

closing my lips to be in a straight line, i suck my teeth, "and what if we burn down the house?" i add

"then i guess that means you'll just have to come stay with me" he volleys back, smirking per usual

i walked right into that one, i guess.

"don't know if griffin would approve of that one"

𝓡𝓤𝓛𝓔 #1 - 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now