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popes pov
she's avoiding me. she doesn't talk to me. shits tense with this shit job baz wants us to do. i try and talk to her and she just tells me she's done. i hate she had to see what my ego due to baz and his shit talking made me do. said i wasn't a man and won't do it because she has my balls in a vice and she won't give out. i snapped at him about that part. she doesn't owe me shit, especially access to her body. she stays with one of the other guys in their room or even at their places, she gave up her room for me. i hate it. i can't sleep anymore. not without her. i've not even thought about going back on my meds without her encouragement. i just...can't. i haven't known peace since the last time i had her with me as she always was. she is my peace. without her my demons won't leave and honestly? i fucking deserve them for how i hurt her. she didn't admit it before but now she did. i hurt her. her wanting nothing to do with me doesn't mean i haven't been keeping an eye on her. i have.

i watch as she leaves from the ocean having been surfing. some guy walks up to her and she freezes. who the fuck is he? i can read the fear from her body from here. whoever he is ain't good. she goes to leave and says something i can see her lip wobble. whoever he is...scares her. but he grabs her harshly. and says something. i'm out the car with my gun and at her side cocking it pointing it at his temple hearing her "let me go" "you best listen to her and let her go or pay with your life" i snap.

he smirks "fine. see you later baby" and i glare and he leaves. i put the gun in my jeans and say "get in the truck addie. now" protective as ever. she says "i drove here" going to walk to her car. i say "i don't give a shit i'll have one of the guys pick it up. get in my truck now and i'm not asking" she shakes her head "i can drive pope" her calling me that hurts...im no longer her andy. she's the only one who's ever called me that. she's the only one close enough that id allow being called that.

i tell her "i won't ask again." she glares "you don't boss me around pope" the fire in her eyes bright. i eye the prick in the car a bit away watching us "he's still here in the car a few spots away. i'm trying to keep you safe from whoever the fuck that was stop being stubborn and get in the fucking truck adelaide" i order and she huffs tossing her board on the back and snaps "happy?" "get in" i say opening the truck. she does as she's told and i drive "who is he?" "not your concern pope" she huffs.

i snap "stop fuckin calling me that addie! i'm not pope. not to you. alright?" "yeah well you haven't been acting like it" she huffs. "what do you want me to do and say addie? want me to say i'm sorry? because i am. i'm fucking sorry i keep fucking hurting you. i'm sorry i fucked that stripper and wish it never happened. i'm sorry you saw it and it hurt you more than just hearing about it would have. want me to say that i need you? because i do. i'm drowning here without you by my side addie. i am. i can't fucking sleep. i can't think of anything else but what happened. i can only think of you. want to hear me say that i love you? because i do. i love you adelaide and i know i got a fucked up way of fucking showing it but i'm fucked up addie. i used to think it was beyond repair but then i met you and fell in love with you and you fix me. goddamn it addie you really fucking fix me. you make me think of a life outside of this fucked shit with smurf and stealing. you make me want it. you got a hold on me and have this entire time and it kills me to think you don't even know it." i huff.

she says "i wanted you to show it andrew. without the push of me not being here. without any pressure. i just...wanted you to feel like you can open up and say it without the thought of me walking, okay?" i take her hand and kiss her knuckles "and i should have. i know i should have but...you deserve more and better than me than this family" she says "andy you are my family. you, smurf. the boys. i don't want more and better i want you. i always have. i just wanted you to want me too" i park the car in the driveway having had lost the asshole. i turn to her "addie i've always wanted you. hell i worship the ground you walk on."

"i love you addie" i tell her and she smiles blush on her cheeks "don't say it if you don't mean it andy" i tell her "i wouldn't say it if i dont" stroking her face and she says "i love you" i smile "i hate being away from you" she tells me "i do too" i kiss her and she kisses me just as passionate and soft. me pulling her closer by her hair. i mutter "be mine" "i always was" she replies. i grin and ask "mind telling me who that was baby?" she replies "an ex. he uh...it just didn't work out" i shake my head "addie i can't protect you how i should if i don't know the truth" "he um...he was abusive...i uh i ran and never looked back but he did say he'd find me...and now he has" she says. anger. white hot anger. "i'm gonna fucking kill him" she stops me "andy you're on parole. you get caught you'll be doing life and extra time" worried. i tell her "i wont get caught. but hes dying baby" kissing her getting out the truck her following into the house. us hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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