Misunderstanding or not ¿?

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Noor saw Minahil coming behind her and then she gave a glance to Haris who was still looking at Noor .

"What ?" Asked Noor "please come I think you need to come and liaten to an explanation"
Said Minahil

"An explanation to everything he was saying to that girl?" "Yes" replied Minahil abruptly

"Hey Minahil" "oh Haris ! Sorry I didn't see you in hurry" "yah I can see that" replied Haris and then Haris and Minahil shaked hands . Maybe they knew eachother "You guys know him ?" Asked Noor as both Faris and Minahil were looking fimiliar with Haris

"Yeah he is our mutual friend and Eman's elder brother" "Eman is his sister?" Noor asked Minahil as a reply to what she said
"You know her ? Weird she never introduced you or even talked about any Noor" asked Haris to which Noor replied "I just got to know her nd have to say you got a really nice sister" it was a sarcastic sentence on which even Haris was confused if he should take it as a compliment for his sister or not but he said with an awkward smile "thank you"

"It was not a compliment" "oh I -" before he could say anything Minahil interrupted him saying "I am sorry for her , she is just not in the right state just a misunderstanding" "no no it is ok" replied Haris

"What misunderstanding?" "You will know once you come with me" "I don't want to"
"Oh come on Noor" "I am serious" "we still didn't tell Saad that you are here" even though Noor said no but still Minahil forcefully took her to the back of venue

Noor went there and what she saw just broke her heart even more . She saw that their school friends were standing around the bench and on the bench were Saad and that same girl before and Saad had her hand in his and a ring that was Saad holding. Noor looked at Minahil as she turned back

"Noor-ul-Ain !" Said Minahil loudly stopping Noor which caught Saad's attention as well and Noor also turned around and looked at Minahil with tears again in her eyes and Saad saw Noor . He paused right there the ring in his hand was now on the ground and Saad was shocked and Noor looked at him with anger in her eyes

He didn't understand what it was for until he looked at his position and understood why she was looking at him like that . He quickly left Eman's hand and went near her "Noor-ul-Ain"said Saad as he tried to run behind her but Noor left that place faster than him again going back to the park and Minahil stopped him and said that "she saw you when you were saying those things to Eman, that is why what she just saw only made her mood and doubts worst"

"Shit ! Why didn't you tell me she was going to come here ? I would've went to pick her up from the airport"
"She wanted to surprise you Saad" replied Talha

"Where did she go ?" "To the park , please explain everything to her"
"I will" saying this Saad went to the park as he saw there that Noor was sitting on a bench now sobbing and a man standing right beside her . It was Haris . Why was he standing there? Was he comforting her?
The thoughts ran through Saad's mind as he went closer to her

"Saad hey" "hey Haris , do you mind leaving as I want to talk to her in private" "to Noor ? Alright bye see you both later" he knew Noor's name !? Why ? Did she tell him ?
Saad thought but he stopped his thoughts and went infront of Noor and sat on his knees taking Noor's hands into his which she quickly rejected

Saad lifted her chin and saw tears . He quickly sat beside her and made her look at him which she obviously again rejected and said "Eman must be missing you . No ? You should probably go to her" Saad smiled upon hearing this . He knew she was jealous and this jealousy was something that he missed but this time misunderstanding was alot bigger than last time

"You didn't even tell me you were coming hmm ? I would've picked you up at the airport" "I wanted to surprise you but instead I got a surprise, you know I waited every single day just to meet you and this is what I get ?" Saad looked at her as he took her one hand between his both and kissed it and said "it is a misunderstanding Noor , we were just playing truth or dare and I got the dare to say something such to Eman out loud while the other friends were on the side so maybe you didn't see them hmm" sid Saad politely

"What about you holding her hand on the bench like you are holding mine right now , what if she sees you like this with me and breaks up with you Saad ?" Said Noor sarcastically which made Saad laugh little "am I joking ?" Saad just kept looking at her admiring her "what ?" Asked Noor to which Saad said "nothing just admiring how beautiful you are , you seriously didn't even change a bit did you jaan?"

"Don't call me jaan , Eman might mind it" Saad again smiled and said "well after Talha and Minahil left Eman said that her ring got stuck in her finger so I was just getting the ring out" "how do I know you are not lying?" Saad looked at her and smiled and he cupped her face removing tears from her eyes and said "maybe because I love you and can never think of anyone but you my beautiful and dearest wife"

Noor blushed hard upon hearing his words . They were like magic to her 
"Awww are you blushing baby ? Sooooo adorable" said Saad as he pinched her cheeks lightly with a big smile on his face . It was genuine happiness " no it is just that I have put to much blush on today"

"Is there a new kind ? Which only show when the person wearing it gets shy huh ?" Now Noor laughed little making Saad sigh in relief as he came closer to her and held her both hands "I can see that now the misunderstanding is clear , let me admire this masterpiece right in front of me alright? I mean only if you don't have anything else to ask"

Noor smiled and said "I do have alot to ask but it would take a long time to answer so you can just admire me" "now that is giving me my Noor type of vibe hmm" Saad and Noor both smiled as Saad put his both hands on her cheeks cupping them as he gave small pecks on both of her eyes "stop crying my beautiful princess" "princess?" "Yah I mean you are my princess and Queen until we have a daughter and then she will be princess and you will be queen so just enjoy till then hmm ?"

Noor laughed as she hugged him and burried her face into his neck "I missed you Saad" " I missed you too Noor , the light and peace of my eyes" Noor now pulled back as Saad also looked at her " my makeup is ruined Allah I worked hard on it" Saad smiled " yah it forsure did , I think you need to do it gain before someone has a heart attack"

"That is soo mean . Others say don't wear make up you look beautiful otherwise" "I would've said the same only if this beautiful mascara of your wasn't spread around your eyes" Saad gave Noor a wipe to clean her face and when she was done cleaning her whole face he said " ahh my naturally beautiful wifey . Is it ok now or do I need to say the make up thing aswell ?" Saad said teasing Noor on which she hit his shoulder lightly as the both smiled and Saad pecked her forehead

"I don't want to interrupt but let's go guys the so called secret party is about to start" said Minahil coming near them "yah let's go love"Saad said getting up and forwarding his hand towards Noor


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