Stopping the story...

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Hello readers. :3

I have some... Not so good news. ._.

I'm going to be stopping this story for awhile. I can't keep up with it...

I don't know if I'll be stopping Beauty And A Vampire or not. Still thinking about it.

The reason why I'm stopping this one and possible my other story, is because my family found my stories and they said I have "An Amazing Talent In Writing." ._.

So what they want me to do, is write another story and finish it. It's hard to explain what they want me to do... Um. >_<

Uh. I'm not going to be writing about One Direction. It might not even be Fan Fiction. Not sure. I'm still thinking about what I'm going to write about.

If it's going to fan fiction, it'll probably be Kellin Quinn or some person from some bands I really like. I haven't really thought this through...

So yes, sadly this story has come to an end for awhile. I'm SO sorry... I didn't even know how to continue this story. Serious writers block. .-.

And yes. It was embarrassing when my family found my stories. I didn't even think people I personally knew would find these haha. >_<

KAY BYE MY FOLLOWERS.. Or readers.. o.O

~Anna xx

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