☆ Chapter 10 ☆

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' Rocket woke up in the middle of the night, seeing some lights and pulled down the window. He stepped outside, seeing lights streaking across the sky. He gasped, realizing it was shooting stars. He shook his arms back and forth, squealing and ran back into the tent and gently shook Sword. '

' " Swordie! Swordie wake up! " Sword gasped and shot up, groaning. '

' " HUH- HUH Wh- Wuhh?? " Rocket giggled. '

' " It's a meteor shower!! Swordie I haven't seen one since I was 3! " He grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the tent and laid on the grass. '

' He smiled up at the sky, watching the comets launching by. Sword rubbed his eyes and laid beside him, looking over. He saw how his face illuminated in the moonlight, his eyes widening. He saw how adorable he looked, how he was so adorable watching the stars shoot past. He scooted closer, sitting up and leaned over Rocket. '

' Rocket looked up at him in surprise, tilting his head to the side. Sword cupped his cheek, smiling softly as he saw a gentle blush dust his cheeks. He leaned in, chuckling. '

' " You're so cute... " Rocket smiled, wrapping his arms around his neck. '

' " I.. I love you, Sword... " Sword blushed softly, giggling before the two leaned in closer. '

' They both hesitated before locking their lips in a soft kiss, closing their eyes and sat there in bliss. Rocket pulled him closer, the two of them sitting there kissing softly. '

' They got lost in the moment, focusing on nothing but the pure passion and relief they both felt from sharing this long overdue kiss. It felt like hours had passed as they shared their kiss, but it had been but a few minutes. They both eventually pulled away for breath, staring deeply into eachothers eyes. '

' Sword smiled, cupping Rockets cheek and making him blush. He giggled, nuzzling into Swords hand softly. '

' " So.. how long have you liked me..? " Sword giggled, making Rocket blush. '

' " Since 7th grade.. " Sword gasped and giggled. '

' " Really?? I've liked you since 4th!! " Rocket gasped, his eyes lighting up. '

' " Really?! Oh my gosh-! " Rocket giggled, reaching up and cupping Swords face. '

' " How did you hide it for this long-?! " Sword giggled, pressing his forehead to his. '

' " It was hard, but I didn't wanna ruin our friendship.. " Rocket smiled softly, rubbing his thumb on the taller cheek. '

' " Oh, my sweet boy.. Nothing could ever ruin our friendship.. " Sword blushed softly from the pet name. '

' They stared into eachothers eyes, sharing a brief kiss before laying beside eachother. Rocket laid his head on Swords chest, the two watching the meteor shower happily. They pointed out a bunch of them, seeing the beautiful stars, as they was little to no light polution in their woods. And, as just a normal part of the solar system they lived in, the sky was visible at all times. '

' Their planet had a small moon; and the sky consisted of beautiful purples and blues, their milky way brightly visible in the sky, along with their closest planet in the solar system, Pluto. Rocket nuzzled Swords chest, smiling and kissed his cheek. '

' " I love you.. " Sword blushed, smiling and kissed his head. '

' " I love you too, Rocky... " Sword hesitated for a second before looking down and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. '

' " Rocket... will you he my boyfriend...? " Rocket blushed heavily, smiling and sat up. '

' " O-Of course, I'd love to.. " Sword kissed his forehead, hugging him close. '

' ~ ' Till death do us part . . . ' ~ ' SwocketWhere stories live. Discover now