Grains of Truth

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Concerning Love

Love is a glorified mixture of attachment and lust.

Love is temporary.

All love is conditional.

No one is loved for who he or she is, only for what he or she has.

Marriage is an obsolete concept.

This concept is based on an alliance of convenience, entered into primarily for tax purposes.

Weddings, therefore, are nothing more than a human mating dance.


"True Love" does not exist

Concerning Family

Family is a glorified zoo of dysfunction.

It is a grouping of cliques, all of which are somehow related.

     By blood

     By marriage

     By adoption

These cliques share the common goal of power and control over the other cliques.

They work towards this in several ways.

     Brainwashing clique members

     Turning clique members against the other cliques through propaganda

     Targeting specific members of other cliques

When in contact, these cliques will inevitably bicker.

Therefore, no good ever comes of a family gathering.

If you do not side with a clique, and possess any perceived assets, all the cliques will inevitably bombard you with propaganda concerning the other cliques.

Parents are driven by one purpose: to psychologically scar their offspring.

Mothers exist to abandon their children, fathers exist to abuse their children.


Family is a lie

Concerning Morality

Different people have different moral standards.

People use buzzwords to demonstrate their perceived moral purity.




These buzzwords, having no absolute definition, are inherently meaningless.

They are used by propagandists to control others, especially during wartime.

Morality, as perceived by the mainstream, is the shield of a Pharisee.

The only thing "good" people are good at is persecuting those with differing morals.

To force your morality into others is the height of ignorance.

No moral compass can point true north if north is a variable point.


Morality is subjective

Concerning Religion

Religion and God are two entirely different things.

The Church is of man.

Religion is among the most evil of human machinations.

     It has started and fueled the most conflicts

     It has been used to control and blind others

     It is responsible for the most, and cruelest, atrocities in history

The clergy is, was, and always will be, power-hungry and greedy as a whole

Salvation is achieved not through the Church, or through ritual, but through God.


Be spiritual, not religious

Concerning Humanity

A human is an animal.

     A man is a wolf

     A woman is a snake

There are no truly good humans, only humans who can hide their true nature.

Once humans obtain power, they will inevitably abuse it.

An oppressed group, once liberated, will inevitably become the oppressors.

Any tool created by humans will inevitably see its first use as a weapon.

Humans are, by their nature, combative and warlike.

The goal of humanity is simple: Kill.


Humanity is evil by nature

Your Suggested Course of Action in Life

Define your own standards

Live by your own code

Act decisively

Recognize and work past the things that don't matter

     Your opinions

     Your emotions

     Your preferences

Control the life given to you; a person makes his or her own luck

All life is a choice; there is no fate.

In conclusion

Go forth, and conquer your world

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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