Dance with Shadows

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That night, as Saim retreated to his room, his mind buzzed with thoughts of Babar. Something strange stirred within him, a sensation he couldn't quite grasp. These feelings were foreign, unlike anything he'd experienced before. He wrestled with the notion, attempting to brush it aside as mere admiration for his captain. Yet, deep down, he knew it was more than that. He tried to convince himself that Babar's concern for him was the root cause, but the pull was undeniable. Saim found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, uncertain of how to navigate this newfound attraction to his captain.

As Saim lay in bed, unable to shake the memory of Babar's gentle touch, his mind relentlessly replayed the moments from earlier. He couldn't forget the way their fingers had intertwined on the bus, even though he had been too dazed to fully register the sensation at the time. Yet, there was a lingering warmth in his heart, a stirring that refused to be ignored. And then there was the moment when Babar had guided him to rest his head on his lap, sending Saim's heart into a frenzy of uncertainty. As he rewound these scenes in his mind, each detail seemed to ignite a spark within him, leaving him even more perplexed by the depth of his feelings.


Babar Azam walked into his room after a rigorous practice session, his heart fluttering with anticipation as he reached for his phone. Sure enough, there was a message waiting for him from that one guy.

Kane: hey beautiful, you said you'd call me.
Babar: hey love, was busy with practice, sorry :(
Kane: it's okay, Babar. I understand.
Babar: aww, you're so nice. What did I do to deserve such an understanding boyfriend?
Kane: well, you made him fall bad for you with that adorable self of yours.
Babar: STOP IT, you're making me blush.
Kane: Just by that? You're so easy.
Babar: am not!
Kane: So, Babar, did you miss me?
Babar: Of course, I did! You know I can't go a day without thinking about you.
Kane: I missed you too, especially our little adventure we did last time we met.
Babar *blushing*: Oh, you mean when you couldn't keep your hands off me?
Kane: Hey now, I seem to recall you enjoying it just as much as I did.
Babar: Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know.
Kane: Oh, really? I think I have a pretty good idea.
Babar: Well, I guess you'll just have to wait until we're back together to find out.
Kane: Fair enough. But until then, I'll just have to use my imagination.
Babar: And what exactly does your imagination come up with?
Kane: Oh, you know, all sorts of naughty things involving you and me...
Babar *giggling*: Kane, you're incorrigible.
Kane: Guilty as charged. But hey, you love it, don't you?
Babar *smiling*: Maybe I do.
Kane: You know, Babar, when you're back in my arms, I'm going to remind you just how much you love it.
Babar: Oh yeah? And how exactly are you gonna do it?
Kane: Well, let's just say I have a few ideas in my mind. I'll start by tracing every inch of your body, making you shiver with anticipation.
Babar *biting his lips*: And?
Kane: Then I'll take my time exploring every hidden corner of your desires, fulfilling each and every one of your fantasies until you're begging for more.
Babar *breathless*: You're driving me crazy.
Kane: Good, because when we're finally together, I'm gonna make sure you remember just how much you mean to me.

Kane's face appeared on the screen as the FaceTime call connected, his eyes smoldering with desire. "You like that, don't you, Babar? You like it when I talk dirty to you, when I tell you all the things I wanna do to you."

Babar swallowed hard, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. "Kane, please..."

"Please what, Babar? Tell me what you want," Kane urged, his voice husky with need.

"I want you, Kane. I want you so badly," Babar confessed, his voice filled with longing.

"I want you too, Babar, more than anything," Kane whispered, his gaze intense. "Take off your clothes for me, Babar. I want to see all of you."

Babar hesitated for a moment before slowly beginning to undress, his heart racing with anticipation. "Yes, Kane..."

Kane watched intently as Babar revealed himself, his breath catching at the sight of his lover's naked form. "That's it, Babar. Show me everything."

"I'm undressed, Kane," Babar announced, feeling a thrill run through him at Kane's appreciative gaze.

"Good boy. Now show me what you can do with those hands," Kane commanded, his eyes dark with desire.

"Yes, Kane," Babar replied obediently, his fingers trembling slightly as he reached out to touch himself, lost in the intimate connection with his beloved Kane.

As the call ended, both men were left breathless, their hearts pounding with the intensity of their desire for each other, knowing that soon they would be together again, fulfilling each other's deepest fantasies.


Saim lay in bed, his thoughts consumed by Babar. The events of the day replayed in his mind, stirring up emotions he couldn't quite comprehend. As sleep beckoned, he drifted into a realm where reality intertwined with desire.

In the depths of his slumber, Saim found himself in a familiar yet unsettling dreamscape. Babar stood before him, his presence both comforting and unsettling. They watched as scenes from the day played out like a silent film, each moment tinged with a subtle longing.

Saim and Babar stood side by side, watching as their teammates celebrated another victory on the field. The camaraderie between them was palpable, but beneath the surface simmered an unspoken tension, a desire that dared not speak its name.

Suddenly, the dream took a dark turn. Saim's sister appeared, her laughter echoing in the air as she joined in the celebration. But then, like a cruel twist of fate, tragedy struck. A speeding truck materialized out of nowhere, hurtling towards them with deadly intent.

Saim's heart pounded in his chest as he watched in horror, powerless to change the course of events. The deafening screech of brakes pierced the air, jolting him awake from his nightmare. Panic seized him, his body trembling with fear as he struggled to make sense of reality.

Gasping for air, Saim clutched the sheets tightly, his mind reeling from the intensity of his emotions. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision as he grappled with the overwhelming surge of desire and despair.

Alone in the darkness, Saim wrestled with his feelings, haunted by the shadows of desire that lingered in the recesses of his mind. In the silence of the night, he yearned for answers, for solace, for a glimmer of hope to guide him through the darkness that threatened to consume him.

With trembling hands, Saim fumbled for his phone, his fingers tracing the familiar contours as he dialed Babar's number. Each ring felt like an eternity until finally, Babar picked up, his voice a lifeline in the darkness.

"Hey?" Babar's voice was laced with concern. "Hey? Someone there? Saim?" He repeated, the urgency evident in his tone. "You okay?"

But Saim couldn't find the words to respond. Panting heavily, tears streaming down his face, he could only cling to the phone, his grip tightening with each passing second. Babar's voice continued to echo in his ears, a steady anchor amidst the chaos of his mind.

As Saim struggled to regain his composure, Babar's intuition kicked in. Sensing something was wrong, he spoke with a gentle urgency, his words a soothing balm to Saim's shattered nerves.

"I'm coming, Saim. Please wait for a bit," Babar reassured him before hanging up.

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