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(The above video is used for listening while reading the story)

When Vira woke up, it first thing she thought of was Alexander, who is apparently a "werido" according to Michelle. 

"Who was 'them'?" Vira said, laying down in her bed, "Why was he telling me about this? But first of all, Who is he?" Vira just brushed it off, "Probably nothing. He's just trying to scare me." with saying that, Vira went to get ready to go to her class. After she was ready, she took her assessment and went to the East campus of the college. That's where her class was. While she was going there, she noticed that everyone was staring at her. Michelle came up to her. 

"Girlie, what do you did" asked Michelle. Vira was confused, "I haven't did anything." Michelle took out her phone and showed it to Vira. "Look at this video" said Michelle. The video was showing Micheal looking at lovingly while she was singing. 

When Vira started to cringe, Rebecca walked up to her, "Hey, bimbo" said Rebecca, "I want you to back off. Micheal is mine" yelled Rebecca, who is almost starting to burst.  "Ok." said Vira, "You can keep him, i don't want him at all." said Vira, calmly. "You better keep your word, little missy." with saying that, Rebecca walked away.

"Are you really going to let her keep him?" asked Michelle "Obviously" said Vira, "I don't want him." Michelle look confused, "But, he's popular..." said Michelle. "After college, nobody will care who's popular or not." said Vira, after that, Vira left to go to her classroom.

" said Vira, after that, Vira left to go to her classroom

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Pov: Vira's classroom

When Vira came in, it was obviously that she was late; Books open, the projector on, the teacher talking and of course some stares. But the teacher didn't say anything at all, instead, she was being clingy.

"Hello, dear! Please have a seat!" with saying that, the teacher showed her the table which is awfully close to the teacher deck. "Um, thank you, i suppose." told Vira. When Vira sat down, the teacher told, "Ok students, we have a surprise test today. You have to draw a girl in a park, sitting down to see a lake." The whole class groaned.

 When the teacher was handing out the test paper, the teacher gave Vira an already graded test paper which is a 100/100 percent. "Um, ma'am, you gave me an already graded test. Can you fix it?" asked Vira. "Actually." whispered the teacher, "I'm a big fan of Micheal because of that, i given you full marks in all of the tests." Vira was shocked including the guy next to her, "HEY! THATS NOT FAIR AT ALL!" yelled the guy sitting next to Vira. "BOY!" yelled the teacher back, "SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN!" The guy with nothing left to say, sat down. Soon, class was over.

Pov: The hallway

When Vira stepped into the hallway, she saw Micheal winking at her next to her classroom

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When Vira stepped into the hallway, she saw Micheal winking at her next to her classroom. When Vira saw this, she looked like the throw up emoji. (🤢) After which, she saw her friend, waiting for her. "I just saw Micheal winking at you." said Michelle. Vira looked even more disgusted. "Yeah, me too." Stuttered Vira. "Gosh, you guy's look cute together!" gushed Michelle. 

Before Vira can reply back, she saw the same hooded guy from the party walking past her. Without a second thought, she immediately ran up to him.

"Hey!" yelled Vira, "Aren't you the weird guy who whispered to me something suspicious?" The guy responded with, "What do you want?" with his arms crossed. Vira was shocked, "All this time where you were acting creepy and weird and whispering something that is out of the ordinary and you have the attitude!?" scoffed Vira.

Vira grabbed the hooded guy by the wrist and went to the janitor closet to talk. 

Pov: The janitor closet

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Pov: The janitor closet

"So, who are you, creep?" asked Vira. "Why do you want to know?" asked the hooded guy in a husky voice. "Just tell me!" hissed Vira. "Fine then, i'm Alexander. tell me yours"  said the hooded guy. "I'm Vira" said Vira (of course). "Hm, what a nice name" told Alexander. "You can compliment me in another time, for now; i need to know who's 'them'." said Vira. Alexander sighed, It is your closest people." before Vira can respond in her defence, the janitor came in.

"AYO! ARE YOU HERE MAKING OUT OR WHAT?" yelled the janitor. it is their cue to leave so, they quickly respond with a sorry and left.

The rest will come on part 4.

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