Diagon Alley

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The sunlight crept in through the windows and shinned on Rose face as she slept.

Amelia enters Rose room, she opens the curtains, making the sun light shin brightly on Rose, waking her up. "Wake up, Rose. We have to go to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies.'' Amelia says as she pulls Rose blanket off of her and shakes her shoulder.

Rose groans and rolls over, pulling her blanket back over herself. "Five more minutes." Rose groans out tiredly as she closes her eyes.

Amelia puts her hands on her hips and looks at Rose. "Now, and if you're not downstairs within 15 minutes than you're grounded." Amelia threatens before leaving Rose room.

Rose groans in annoyance and stretches. She gets out of bed and heads to her bathroom. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and brushes through the tangles in her hair. She changes out of her comfy pajamas and into low waisted denim bell bottom jeans and a navy blue long sleeve shirt with three buttons and white lace along the collar of the shirt. 

She throws on her black converse and puts her phone in her back pocket of her jeans before running downstairs, seeing her mother waiting for her by the door.

Amelia interlinks her arm with Rose's before apparating them to Diagon Alley. When they get there Rose holds her stomach and swallows down last nights dinner that was about to come up.

Rose looks at the list of stuff she needs to get and reads it aloud. "Three sets of plain black work robes, one plain pointed hat (black) for day wear, one pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar), One winter cloak (black with silver fastenings), 1 wand, 1 cauldron, 1 set glass or crystal phials, 1 telescope, 1 set brass scales, studemts may also bring an owl, cat, or a toad." 

Amelia looks at Rose and than sees Olivianders wand shop. "Rose, you go get your wand and I'll get your books, okay dear?"

Rose nods and enters the wand shop. She looks around before ringing the bell. A old man with palwe eyes and white hair jumps of a ladder that he had jsut slid over to the end of the shelf.

"Oh, Rose Holloway, it's a pleasure to meet you. I was wonderign when you would show up to get your wand. I remeber it like it was yesterday when your mother and father came to get their first wands." The man says with wide eyes as he looks at Rose.

Rose looks at him with an eyebrow raised. "Who are you?"

The man quicly snaps out of it and sticks his ahnd out. "Oh, how disrespectful of me, I'm Mr. Ollivander."

Rose shakes his hand cautiously with her eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes scan around the shop, admiring all the wands but look unimpressed my the mess of the wands.

Mr. Ollivander grabs a wand. "Willow, Dragon Heartstring, 11 inches." He hands it to Rose cautiously. 

Rose waves it around a bit and some of the wands fall of the shelf. Mr Ollivander takes it back quickly.

He grabs another. "Hm, let's see. Fir, Dragon Heartstring, 9 ½ inches, try it." He hands it to her. Rose waves it around and a red spark comes out of the tip of the wand, enlightning the room. "Yes, yes. That's your wand, be careful with it, make sure to never be agressive or break it."

When Rose walks out of the Wand shop she sees her mother waiting for her, a bag of books draped over her shoulder and a cat in her other hand.

Rose smiles and runs up to her mother. "Is that mine?" Rose asks while pointing to the cat. Amelia nods with a smile and hands the cat to her. "She's so pretty." Rose says while holding the kitten to her chest, admiring its white and gray fur and ice blue eyes that sparkle in the sunlight.

"Come on, dear. Let's go get you fitted for your robes." Amelia says as she puts her hand on Rose lower back and guides her to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

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When they enter the robes shop Amelia grabs a set of robes and hands them to Rose. "Go back there, those are the chnaging rooms." She says while pointing to the changing rooms.

Rose nods and walks back there, accidently bumping into a girl who was coming out of a chnaging room. "Oh, sorry-" She looks at the bushy haired girl she ran into.

The girl looks back at her with a soft smile. "It's fine, I'm Hermione Granger, pleasure to meet you." The bushy haired girl said as she puts her hand out for Rose to shake. 

Rose smiles a little and shakes her hand. "I'm Rose Holloway, nice to meet you. Oh and sorry again." 

Hermione lets go of Rose hand. "It's fine, I'll see you around, bye, Rose."

Rose nods but her eyes follow Hermione as she walks away, something about her so captivating that she can't tear her eyes away, and the way the girl said her name made soemthing in her stomach tingle. Rose shakes herself out of it and furrows her eyebrows before shrugging it off ad going into the changing room.

When Rose finds the right robes for her, her mother pays and than checks it off the list, seeing they now have everything. "Looks like we have everything we need." She looks at Rose, who was looking around for the same bushy haired girl from earlier, when her eyes find her she smiles.

Rose then notices that her mother is looking at her and tears her eyes away from Hermione. "Yes, mother?"

Amelia follows where Rose was looking and looks at the girl her daughter was previously looking at and than back at Rose. "Who's that?"

Rose shrugs. "Just a girl I ran into earlier. Anyways, I'm getting tired, can we go home?''

 Amelia nods and interlinks her arm with Rose's, apparating them home. 

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