The Danbury Ball

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The ball was not one of the places Simon wished to be at, yet here he was attending it, how could he anyways deny the woman who had done so much for him.
He looked around the ballroom extravagantly decorated by his aunt her taste emitting from every detail.
He was hiding in the shadows to save himself from the husband hunting mothers who had been following him all around the ball from the moment he had entered it. Another hour and he was free to get out of here or so he thought.
" I think I told you to come to the event to mingle around the crowd not to hide like a wallflower "
Lady Danbury said as she stood by his side watching her guest enjoying the event she had organised the first ball of the season, an honour she had been bestowed by the Queen since ages.
" I did as you said aunt, I came and I mingled, now I must leave " Simon replied politely.
Lady Danbury rolled her eyes at him.
"I want to see you on the dance floor today by hook or crook. Either you choose a young lady yourself or I do it for you..You have 20 minutes to make your decision" Lady Danbury made her decision and left to attend to other guests.
'Shit! How to get out of this one. ' Simon thought to himself. Lady Danbury would not let this go easily.
He once again looked around for possible escapes.
He could hear someone making claims to have known his father well. When he followed the voice he found the Featherington woman speaking to a gaggle of similar minded mother's, listening to her drabble about the nature of the connection she had with the Hastings family.
" Do not believe a word she says, she's the worst of the lot. The old Duke disliked her pretty much as everyone else at this ball.He would never entertain any of her approaches. He would roll in pain in his death bed if you ever danced or associated with her or any of her daughters " Lord Edlebridge stated proudly to him, watching Lady Featherington maneuver the ball her daughters following her around.
" Is that so! " Simon exclaimed as he was walked towards the woman in question.
A few strides across the room and he was across the Featherington family, Lady Featherington had been drabbling for a few minutes about the accomplishments of her two daughters, in which he had no interest. He started to regret his decision approaching them, when he noticed the youngest had not paid him any attention what so ever till now.
That was not usual.
" What about your youngest my Lady? "
He asked loud enough for the girl in question to look at him. She turned her attention to him and looked at him quizzically.
"Penelope? "

"I believe that is your youngest. Is she not? "

"Well of course she is my Lord! "
Portia Featherington looked at her youngest daughter in question and gave the Duke a smile , shrugging her shoulders implying she was of no consequences.

Simon caught the young girl quickly hiding her pained expression with a polite smile. He smiled back at her without even knowing it. Hoping the gesture could help relief some of the pain.

"May I have the honour of the next dance, Miss Penelope? "
He bowed and stretched his hand for her to take.

Penelope looked at him doubtful, a little taken back but not one ounce of glee of being asked by a Duke.
Again he found that quite unusual, he was well aware of the effect he had on women, what made this girl who had yet to shed her baby fat be so unfazed by him. It intrigued him.
"Miss Penelope? " He asked again
"Of course she will my Lord" Portia replied for her daughter nudging her at the waist with her elbow to take his hand.

"I would like Miss Penelope to decide and answer please. "
He said with authority in his voice, leaving no place for the Protia to question his standing.

Penelope rolled her eyes at the two of them and took his hand.

"It would be my pleasure, your grace. "
She replied, her voice sweet as anything he had ever heard.

He felt his heart flutter , with a sense of accomplishment.
He kissed her knuckles soft and swift, guiding her to the dance floor.
All the while he was looking down at her she was focused on anywhere but him.

"Have I offended you in anyway Miss Penelope? " He asked to understand why she seemed so distant

"No, my Lord! " She replied instantly fumbling as they took to the stage.

He looked at her small form as they faced each other for the waltz.

Simon felt a charge, a bolt course through his entire body as he placed his strong hand on her soft curvaceous waist. Her hand fit perfectly in his right hand. Penelope being quite short than him was not able to reach his shoulders.So she placed her hand on his left arm. The touch light as a feather , the effect much more profound.
What happened next was a complete daze to him, he lost himself in her beautiful sea blue eyes.

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