Penelope Featherington-A Duchess

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24 hours..

That's all it took for Penelope to be married. She went from being a chubby spinster to be married to one of the most eligible bachelor's of the ton. To her it made no difference.

After her conversation with Simon in maze. Everything was happening so quickly.. She did not have the time to think or process what was happening. No one once asked her, what she was feeling. She didn't matter to them much. Her mother was more into giving her lecture on how she should be considering herself lucky and she should make most of it for herself and her family. Her sisters were cruel to her asking the most humiliating questions. Her father as usual just kept quiet through out everything though she could see in his eyes that he was worried about her. Atleast she hoped that what it was.

The bridgerton family looked at her in a different light. She could see skepticism in the Viscount's eyes. Daphne seemed curious and shocked, Colin broke her heart twice that night, when he laughed at her possibly marrying a Duke and when he finally realized it instead of apologizing he wished her good luck. The only ones minutely worried were Violet and Bridgerton. Violet had stayed by her side the entire evening from the time the news was announced by the queen till she returned home. Lady Danbury stood protectively by her side all night. The next morning Eloise barged into her room frazzled about Penelope. She could see the fear in Eloise eyes.

So when she reached the church at noon being lead by her father down the aisle in her debut dress. Violet had helped her get ready.. So she looked decent still this was not how she had envisioned the day she would get married. When she saw Simon at the altar in dark blue suit. It finally hit her that she was getting into a marriage where neither loved each other. In fact they both loved someone else from the same family. She could see both Daphne who was focused on Simon and Colin who looked at her like never before. She took a deep breath. Being a Featherington she had learned to make most of things. That's what she would do. Think of a way to make meaning of her soon to be lonely life. She out on a fake smile and took his arm to face him.
He looked dreamy but equally drained out. She squeezed his palm to assure him everything would be okay. They looked around and smiled at each other.

For Simon the 24 hours felt like never ending. He wasn't excited... No he was terrified of what the future held for him. He had prepared himself for years to stay unmarried all his life. He was breaking one of his oaths already. He was scared for Penelope and himself.
He had no idea how to be a husband, till now he didn't have to think about it. In other circumstances he would be over the moon. He was getting married to the woman who had captured his soul. He never imagined that would happen. It was and he was not pleased. He felt guilty for completely ruining her life. Snatched away all her happiness
Sure he could give her all the luxuries of the world but that wouldn't matter cause his girl wasn't like that. She was compassionate loving person, a born mother and took all that away from her.

Later that Evening he was able to observe the way Penelope was being looked at by the society. They of course all assumed the worst, even if the queen had declared she was his choice. Which she was, he probably would not have done this for anyone else in the world. Only his redhead, she made him break one of his vows which scared and shocked him to death.

After getting lectured by his aunt and best friend Simon returned to his mansion bubbling with anxiety of the unknown waters he would need to thread. He informed his staff to prepare for the wedding feast and Penelope moving in.
He was excited and scared to start this new journey. It was a conflicting journey.

When he first saw her walking down the aisle towards her, all his concerns all his doubts dissipated. In that moment he only saw his beautiful innocent compassionate redhead, his wife walking towards.
'His wife' that felt so lovely to say. Though to himself.. Still. He watched her walking down the aisle and for a few moments she looked at Colin and Daphne. He felt his heart burn. His elevated. He was scared. Was he going to be stood up? He was aware that she held some affection for the man... But he was also looking at her in a different light. All his life Simon had never felt threatened but at that moment he almost choked at the thought of Penelope being anyone but his...
The moment Penelope looked back at him, ge finally took a deep breath.

He reached out to take her hand. The moment she placed her hand in his, he felt the same spark during their first dance but ten fold. He looked into her sea green eyes. There was a lot of emotions floating around he looked around to calm his nerves, she gently squeezed his palm. Even during this time she was still thinking of his comfort. He was a lucky bastard to have her, to be able to call her his wife. He vowed to himself from here on her happiness is what he would live for. He would be the best fucking husband in the entire world. He held her hand tighter.

Penelope was calm, at least she tried to potray that for everyone. Once they had said their vows. The priest announced for them to kiss to seal the marriage. In all her life she had only imagined it. She had no idea what to expect or do. She began to tremble. She was sweating in her palm. Thank the Lord she had gloves on.
They faced each other. At that moment she saw something in his husband eyes. She had never seen that look in anyone's eyes. It's deep strong look powerful even, it would have usually made her scared but right at that moment she felt a strong flutter in her body a heat she couldn't explain. She wanted him to look at he like that all the time of possible. She didn't have much time to think about.
Simon stepped forward cusped both her hand strongly. He started the kiss with gently placing his lips on hers. He had fully intended to keep it simple but his body had his mind of his own. He moved a little more closer deepening the kiss. He lips slightly parted giving him an opportunity to taste her. It was intoxicating. He would have most likely ravished her had the applause in the church not broken the moment.
He pulled back slowly eyes focused on hers. He smirked he eyes were half closed, she was clearly taking deep breaths.
'Good' he said to himself proudly.

Penelope Featherington now Bassett was blown away with the kiss , the intensity of the moment.
She looked at her husband for that very brief moment she felt she may actually have a chance of happiness.

The two of them looked at each other as if seeing the other for the first time and yet felt they had years behind them.

They both had completely accepted each other as their life partner for better and worse.

No matter what may happen in the future one thing that they were sure of was neither would abandon the other.

During the entire time one man was focused on Penelope was the ever charmer Colin Bridgerton.
Something shifted in him.
He wasn't happy for this union.
'Why? ' he had no clue.

Soon enough he will and will forever regret in not realising sooner.

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