In Your Wettest Dreams

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Harry knows Louis wants to sleep with him. He's been trying to get into his pants from the night they first met, and when that didn't work, he took second best and fucked his ex. The more Louis tries, the less Harry wants to sleep with him.

If he's being honest, though, he's always wondered what Louis is like in bed and he probably would have slept with him by now if he wasn't such a twat. He's heard the noises that come from Louis' room anytime he's brought one of his conquests home. See, that right there is the issue. Louis thinks just because he's devilishly fit, charming, soft but hard in all the right ways, and captain of the bloody footie team, he can have anyone he wants. Sadly, he's not far off base, but Harry promised himself that Louis would never have him. 

"Do you really want me to leave you alone, Harry?" Louis asks, crowding into his space until his toes hit Harry's. 

Harry swallows hard, losing his composure for just a second. Then, staring directly into Louis' sparkling blue eyes, he bluntly says, "Yes."

"Okay," is all Louis says. 


Harry gets stuck on Louis' lap on the ride home from a night of clubbing.


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