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Third person pov

Hanni was walking home one night after a exhausting day at work, she was walking to her house since she didn't live far from where she worked at. While she was walking she felt like she was being watched. She looked around her surroundings and didn't see anyone of anything.

She shrugs it off and kept on walking back home, after a few seconds for by and she hears a snap of a tree branch, she starts getting scared. She started speed walking till she was attacked by something.

She fell onto the road with the person or animal still on top of her. She looked at the thing that was on top of her, it was a werewolf with red glowing eyes. She shrugged to get the animal off her. The wolf was about to bite her when the wolf was then pulled off by something. The person grabbed the wolf by the arms and they flew into the air only to come back down.

This person, it had black wings on its back.

They then landed on the ground and the person who was a girl with all black clothing bite the wolfs neck and the wolf starts to help in pain struggling to get to women off him but the women was too strong for him.

Hanni just laid there still shocked about what happened watching every second of this fight. She then saw the wolf go limp and the women got off the creature.

Hanni's pov

I saw the women get off of the wolf, blood all over her mouth and chin going down her neck her wings still spread out a little.
She then looked at me then started slowly walking towards me.

"N- no please d-don't hurt m- me please" I begged the women.

She didn't say anything but just kept on getting closer. I'm starting to get scared now just looking at her. She stopped in front of me, she pulled her hand towards me, for me to take, I did and she helped me off the ground. Dang this girl is taller then me.

"You okay" the women asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said and she nodded

"What are you" I asked

"I'm a vampire my dear as you saw what I did to that wolf, and by
my sharp teeth and wings" the women said

"What's your name" I said

"Wow you have a lot of questions" she chuckled

"My name is Minji, Kim Minji" she said

"That's a nice name" I said

"What's yours" she asked

"My name is Pham Hanni" | said

" Nice name" she said

"Thank you very much" I said and I blushed a little.

" Well imma go home now thank you for saving me" I said and walked away

But I could still feel her presents around me, I think she's following me. I looked back and still saw her behind me.

"What are you following me?" | asked her

"Because I can and also I'm going to live with you" she said

"Hell no l'm letting some vampire live with me your probably suck my blood when I'm not awake" I said

"Oh darling I would never do that to a pretty little lady like you" Minji said

"Just leave me alone ok" I said and started walking again

I looked behind me and she was no where in sight so l'm guessing she left somewhere in the woods. Finally that women is gone an I can go home in one piece. I still felt like I was being watched but I just ignored it and went home speed walking.

Once I got to my house I unlocked the door and went in. When I turned around I was a tall figure looking at me, I got a closer look and saw it was Minji.

"Hello again Hanni" she said

"How did you get into house" I asked

"Don't worry about sweetheart" she said

"Can you please leave" I said

"I'm not leaving Hanni, as I told you I'm living here with you and there's nothing you can do about it" she said

"Oh yes I can" I said and grabbed her coat and pushed her outside.

"Told you" I said and closed the door but when I turned around I jumped to still see her there inside my house.

How tf did you get there so god damn fast. I just sighed knowing that I lost

"Told you Hanni you can't get rid of me" she said

I just walked past her and went upstairs to my room.

"Hey where you going" she said

She was walking behind me but I just ignored her and went up the stairs to my room. I entered my room and was getting ready for bed. When I laid down she laid next to me.

"Imma sleep next to you tonight" she said

"Uh girl no you ain't you sleeping on the floor or the couch to you ain't sleeping next me tf I don't even know you and I don't trust you sleeping next to me" I said

"Please I promise I won't do anything" she begged

I swear she's getting on my nerves I just rolled my eyes before saying something.

" Fine just don't bother me and don't wake me up for stupid reasons" I said pulling the blanket up to my shoulders, and turned away from her.

She did the same and she fell asleep.


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