Second Guessing 💞

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I wake up in the morning as always, and as always, I always get up for breakfast.

{I wrote that as a joke}

I walk into the kitchen, taking in the iconic smell. I then pour myself some cereal, and some coffee on the side, since it is one of my favorite beverages, along with tea. Ooh, especially sweet tea. I sit at my table, staring off as I eat my sweet cereal. I then remember Catnap, I just can't get him out of my head, really to be honest. I swallow and begin to choke.

{Just like your mom did with my diiiii}

I punch my chest to get it out, and cough as I do. "Dang..." I say aloud.

I then get up since I finished my bowl. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I go over each and every one of my teeth, and my gums. I brush my gums because I like to be extra healthy most of the time. I then spit out the foam, and brush my tongue, and then proceed to put my toothbrush away into my drawer. I take out my phone and open up TikTok. I scroll through my for-you-page and end up seeing a bunch of TikTok's from Kickin's account and Hoppy's. I scoff at the videos of them pranking each other and beating each other up. There's always an unnecessary "This video is attempted by professionals." On the bottom of the screen, which everyone could guess is not attempted by pros. Especially when it comes from those two. My phone then vibrates in my hand, and then an image of green and red buttons of phones pops up. Obviously, someone is calling me, so I answer. "Dude, wanna know something cool?" Kickin' on the other side of the phone asks me.

"Uhhh, sure?" I ask, dumbfounded by the randomness. 

"We're going on a hike, and it's up Mount Sunshine!" Kickin says, happily.

"Wow! We are?" I ask.

"Yep! The warmest mountain on planet Earth!" He says, and laughs.

"Well, count me in. Anyway, I'll make sure to bring snacks and stuff." I say, and he responds with an "Mhm," and ends the call.

I sigh as I walk to my pantry, picking up the backpack next to it, and packing some obviously needed stuff. Water, food, and that's it. I then walk out my house, deciding that I should drop the stuff off at Kickin's house, since if he loses it, he'll be responsible for losing my stuff.

I then see a silhouette, a purple one. I then blush, knowing who it is. Their hiding up in the middle of a tree, spying over the town. Then, who we know as Catnap look my way, and backs away into the tree. I laugh, and walk over, throwing my backpack at Kickin's door as I pass his house. "Hey, Catnap! You alright up there?" I ask him, and I hear rustling. He then plops down from the tree, and lands onto the ground, then nodding.

"Well, then. That's good... Anyway, did you hear that we're going on a hike? I can't wait! I love hiking!" I say, jumping with glee, before I hear the tiniest giggle from Catnap. But I pretend I didn't hear because he would most likely be embarrassed from someone hearing his not-known voice. Either way, it still doesn't count as his voice to be honest.

I can't help but second guess my original thoughts on this character sitting in front of me. I originally thought that we'd only be friends, and just regular friends who only hand out from time to time. But now that we're pretty much best friends, it's changed my perspective completely. I really hope that... Well... We could perhaps get together... We've been hanging out for a couple of weeks now, so that's that. I think I'm going to propose my feelings at the top of the mountain today.

Catnap snaps in my face, me clearly who was dozing off to someplace called wonderland. He looks at me with a slightly concerned look.

"Just thinking about how fun it's going to be!" I assure him, lying, but not showing any hint that I was.

He nods, and we carry on, me walking along with him to his house, since it's honestly natural for us to just follow each other while stuck in "conversation." We then hang out in his house for an hour or so, before Kickin calls me once again. "Alright, let me answer this real quick." I say to Catnap and he nods.

"Yo, we're going right now! Run over here, and I'll drive y'all." He says,

"I always forget you have a car." I say, and I giggle as well.

"Well, yeah, of course I do. Totally haven't almost crashed it a couple of times, but that's in the past. I've asserted to being a good driver now, trust me." He says, and I sigh.

"Now I don't trust you, the way you put sentences together is odd." I say, laughing, and Catnap smiles.

I hang up the phone call, "So, you coming?" I ask Catnap, praying that he nods. Which he does. I smile, and so does he, and we blush at each other before I "Ehem."

"Alright, let's get going then." I smile, and reach out my hand, and he takes it. I'm glad we're to the point of holding hands, but I'm hoping we're getting farther by sunset. We reach Kickin's house, and he beckons us over.

"Come on, slow pokes! We're gonna leave you guys out here if you don't hurry your lazy bums up!" Kickin points to us, and we pick up the pace, no longer holding hands.

"Okay, chill out." I say as me and the purple fuzz ball enter the van-like vehicle. Me and the others converse, them asking where I have been, and all of that nonsense. I've been with my best friend of course. {Yeah get em' Dogday, even though you ain't saying that aloud 😜😜}

The van revs it's engine, and we drive off.


We arrive at the mountain, and all of us exit one by one, asserting that we have all of our stuff packed and ready to go. "I can't wait." I say, and beckon Catnap over to me. He comes over, and he smiles, and I do the same back. I really hope this is going where I hope it is going.

We climb up the mountain, looking over the horizon as we do so. "Birds, trees... All of it's pretty, ain't it?" I ask Catnap, and he slightly blushes as he nods. I think this is going where I hope it's going. Hopefully.

We do the same thing, climb and climb, taking pictures of anything on the way.

And then, after hours of climbing this huge rock, we reach the top, where our tears and sweat is glistening in the sunset. "Wow... See Catnap... It's beautiful." I say, smiling at him. I look over at the others, and see they are over another area, splashing water from a small pond at each other. I then look back at Catnap, and his beautiful, cute face.

"Well... Catnap... I wanted to say... Ever since we became good friends, I've seen the way we smile at each other, and they way we blush whenever we interact. I hope that that means what it means... I love you... Catnap, I always had felt something towards you, but didn't know how to explain it." I say, and he looks at me, and blushes hard. 

"Really, we can stay friends if you want, I didn't want to put pressure on you or anything... I just... felt the moment was perfect for up here." I say, and he look at me, and smirks.

"I love you too, DogDay."


That is the end of this book, ladies and gents! Well, I hope you enjoyed it! I wanted this one to be a bit shorter as well because of book 5 of you know what series. It will come out probably in like 15 or 20 minutes within this update, soo... yeah. Anyway, I love you all so much, and thank you for the support! I know this ending what kind of cliche, but it's the only thing I could think of... Well, as always, see you next book! 💖

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