My Sixteeth Birthday

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As I get ready to go to bed all I can think about is I'm 16 tomorrow. I put on my 2 piece star patterned fleece pyjamas. I go to brush my teeth in the bathroom that is next to my bedroom. I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror my dark brown hair and green eyes with tanned skin and make sure I have nothing on my face before I go to bed.
Back in my room I lay on my bed thinking that not only will I be 16, my sweet 16 but I will also finally get to know what happens when we turn 16. You see I am the youngest of four. My sisters are Sukie 25, Ruby 23 and Luna 20.
Sukie had blonde foils through her light brown hair, she has hazel eyes.
Ruby has honey coloured hair with brown eyes.
Luna has burgundy hair with green eyes.
Our mother died when I was 3 so I don't actually remember her, we were brought up by a foster family until Sukie was 18 then she became our guardian and we left the foster family. I never understood why we had to leave they were nice after all. Sukie got a job not sure where but she earned enough to support all of us. She claims it's something we can't understand until we turn 16.
A few months later Ruby turned 16 and she got to find out. She would go with Sukie somewhere all day and come home tired. She stopped going to school but got an apprenticeship working where Sukie worked. The same thing happened three years later when Luna turned 16 so I was super excited to finally find out and I could leave school. They earned good money so it's not really something to complain about. I really hated my school people weren't really nice to me I only had one friend, she was fair skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. I then drifted off to sleep for the night.

I woke to the sound of my sisters saying happy birthday Aurora. "My baby sister is finally 16" said Sukie.
"Good morning breakfast is ready" said Ruby
"Happy sweet 16 sis, glad you'll finally be joining us" said Luna.
"But you still have to go to school today" said Sukie
"I know" I said to her.
They left the room and as I sat there looking at the balloons next to the door I thought about the strange dream I had.
The dream was about some strange place with butterflies and some fairies saying happy birthday to me. I saw people riding on dragons and brooms. It didn't make sense. I thought to myself how could I possibly dream of such silly things at my age. If anything I should be dreaming of me and Mila going shopping, beach and the movies. It would be the first time I will be allowed out without one of my sisters. Milas parents weren't so strict so she's allowed to go. I got up and went to shower. I'm only allowed 5 mins max to shower unless I'm washing my long hair then I get 30mins.
All done, teeth brushed and now to put on my school uniform. It is a white short sleeve shirt, school emblem on the left with a navy coloured skirt with yellow and green strips at the bottom.

I went into the dining area and there on the table was a pile of delicious pancakes with my sisters smiling around it. My favourite breakfast. I was getting excited I just knew it was going to be a good day. I ate breakfast with my sisters. We finished eating when Sukie gives me a small piece of paper. "Happy birthday little sis" she said. I looked at it, it was the same piece of paper she gave Ruby and Luna. "Thanks" I said. I opened it up and I read it. All it said was

Aurora Wyatt

I looked up at Sukie "Huh? What is this?"
"It's you combination number, we all have one. Mum left them for me to give to you when you turned 16"
"What's the combination number for?"
"The locked cupboard door. It's not broken, I'll show you where you have to put the number in and only you can do it. It won't work if any of us do it." We all walked into the kitchen and there it was the strange cupboard that had no handle. "Here" said Sukie. I looked and there on the side but at the far back where it's barely noticeable were 3 numbers in which I had to change. "I can't believe I didn't notice that before"
"That's the point, your not supposed to notice it or else it would be most likely at the front" said Ruby. I looked at her and said "true, it's clever. I can't wait to open it and see what's inside." I moved the numbers so it read 624 and with a bit of smoke and a weird creaky sound the door opened slowly. Inside I saw a letter. I looked at it and it had my name on it. I look at my sisters. "It's from mum" said Sukie.
"So mum knew she wasn't going to beat cancer she gave you notes and gave me a letter?"
"She wrote a letter to all of us, we all read ours and that's yours to read in private" said Luna
"But you can't read it out loud for anyone to hear or show anyone else like Mila" butted in Ruby.
"I won't". I packed my lunch, recess and laptop all ready to go to school. I still had 20mins, enough time to read the letter. I went to my room and sat at my desk.

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