The land of Neveah

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The school day ended and I was back home. Excited and ready to learn about Nevaeh. "So you didn't mess up today did you?" Said Ruby
"It sure was crazy but at least I didn't set anything on fire"
"Funny, so you found out what your power is?" Said Luna.
"Of course, I somehow made Mr Robert's voice go high pitch and then disappear. After that I made the classrooms voices go, I heard what people were thinking and muted George's voice in Mr B's class"
"Sound interesting"
"Oh and I also made a new friend, which would be good for Mila since I'll be leaving that school right"
"Yes" said Sukie "you will leave that school go to Nevaeh and learn how to control your power. After that you will have a choice whether you want to stay there and work or stay here and work here."
"Wait that sounded a bit confusing" I took a minute to figure out what Sukie was on about. "So basically I can choose if I want to live there or here, or i could do like you three and work there but live or work and live here. Is that right"
"Yes, you can choose what you'd like" said Ruby.

We all sat on the table. "Tell me, what are your powers?
"I've got chronokenisis" said Sukie
"Huh, what's that?"
"It means I can control time, like reverse time, stop it, go to future, bring stuff back and all time related things"
"I have achluokinesis, so I can control darkness and shadows. I can't bring night during the day or teleport through shadows but I hope I can one day with practice. So far I can move shadows to trick people into thinking they are closer to the object than they really are, I can change the shape of the shadow and even create a shadow force field around myself or others" said Ruby
"I've got the best power of all" said Luna as Sukie amd Ruby roll their eyes. "I have atmokinesis so I can control earths four elements. Earth, air, fire and water. It's actually a lot of fun, I've been practicing with Ruby on using my wind to make her fly just like I can to make myself fly without a broomstick."
"Wait so people actually fly with broomsticks?"
"Yes" replied Sukie. "There is one in Nevaeh for you, so you'll learn how to fly it"
"Sounds scary"
"Also your power you learn it and you can control more and more. Please don't use your telepathy to read our minds. Using it against us for fun or to harm will get rid of it but if it's used to help each other then it's fine"
"Can you show me them?"
Sukie went first. She couldn't stop time as it doesn't affect any of us four. She grabbed her phone put it on the table. Asked me to check the time, it was 4:23pm. She put her right hand above the phone and it disappeared. She said "I've sent it off 1 minute into the future so just wait you should see it reappear soon." We waited the minute and just like that the phone appeared. "Check the time" she said. I looked at the phone it said 4:23, I took my phone out and mine said 4:24. "Wow that's so cool" I said
"The phones time will catch up in a sec so correct time would show"
I looked at Ruby "show me."
She told me to look at the shadow of the table. I looked and then it moved away from the table so there was no longer a shadow under the table but it was next to it and the she made the shadow smaller into a round shape. She then grabbed the shadow of the chair and joined it together with the tables shadow. Made them separate and go back to where they belonged. I looked at Luna so she could show me her power. She grabbed a small pot and put it on the table. With one hand she made the soil appear then she grabbed some flower seeds planted them and with the other hand she made some water land on the soil. I can't make the seeds into a plant yet, fire element I'm still not good at. I'll probably set the plant of fire instead of creating heat to make a seedling" she said
I was a little bit disappointed, even though what she did was absolutely awesome I was hoping she'd set something on fire. "Here sis let me help" Sukie raised her hand above the flower and made the seeds grow into a beautiful flower. "How did you do that?" I asked Sukie.
"Like I said I can control time so all I did was speed up the time on the seeds making it grow. Combining our powers together makes them stronger so something like growing a flower can be done with both mine and Luna's powers." This was the best birthday ever and was super excited with what I can do. Telepathy how can that help my sisters though. They all had these really cool gifts yet all I got was some voice control and mind reading. I mean reading minds and muting people does seem like fun but it's no use if I want to help create a flower.
"Well guess that's enough chit chat and power showing" said Ruby "time to tell you how to get to Nevaeh"

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