First day in Neveah

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Finally it's here, my first day of witch school. My sisters are already in Nevaeh. They said when I'm ready I can go on my own. I looked in the mirror made sure I looked good and moved the painting. I typed in 624 and the pink door appeared. I took a deep breath and walked through. I opened the curtains to make sure I was in Nevaeh.
I went downstairs where my sisters were waiting for me. "You ready to go" asked Sukie.
"Yes I am"
"Do you remember your teachers name?"
"It's Miss Zia"
"Great, let's go"
We got in the car and left. Sukie dropped me off first. I looked at the building, other students were walking in and all I can think of is let's do this. I walked in and went to Miss Zia's classroom.
"Welcome to my class"
"It's good to be here"
"Please take a seat any seat"
I sat down in the middle row to the left. Other students were already sitting down.
"Good morning students. As you can see we have a new student today. Aurora Wyatt, welcome to telepathy class"
"Thank you, it's good to be here"
"Alright Everyone choose a partner and keep practicing talking to each other through your mind. However remember I can listen so be careful of what you say. Aurora, since this is your first lesson you'll be with me." All the students teamed up with a partner. I was scared being with Miss Zia but excited at the same time. I was finally going to learn how to control my power.
"Take a seat. Tell me about your powers, like what have you done. I need to know a bit more so we can work on it"
"Well I was able to read people's minds but they couldn't hear mine. I was able to control peoples voices also because I somehow changed the way a teacher spoke and made people mute and it was scary that I was having an anxiety attack"
"Is it normal for you to have them?"
"Not anymore. I haven't had one in years till I found out I was a witch and had no control of my powers"
"So you say that you were able to control peoples voices also. That isn't actually telepathy. Telepathy is speaking through the mind only. You have two powers that means. The second one you have to learn how to control is voice manipulation."
"Cool, I thought we only got one power each"
"No, you can have more than one but within the similar power like people can speak because of their brain since you can control certain brain waves to hear what they're thinking and eventually you'll learn how to send messages through the mind you can also control another part of the brain which is the voice control"
"Alright then, I'm sure I'll understand all this eventually"
"Time control, that might make it easier to explain. Stop time and speeding time up are two different things however they both fall under the time control users power"
"I get it now." I just thought to myself if I said that she may believe me but I still didn't understand how my two fall under the same category or even the fact that both appeared at the same time.
I look at some of the other students teamed up. There was a girl and a boy sitting under a tree with their eyes closed and it looked like they were meditating but they were laughing. I guess they have learnt how to talk to each other.
"Focus" I heard in my head. Huh I turned and looked at Miss Zia.
"Good, you heard me."
"Did you just say that telepathically?"
"But I wasn't even looking at you, how is that possible?"
"I sent it to you. Something you'll eventually learn how to do"
"I saw that you were looking at Orion and Mystic, they are very close to being at top level. At the moment they still have to get into meditation position but eventually just like I did with you they'll be able to do it too"
"Alright. It's time for you to close your eyes, concentrate. Calm your mind and cross out the outside world, you should then be able to see everyone and everything around you in your mind"
"I can't see anything but black" I said to  her. Wasn't sure how that was even possible but I kept trying.
"It will take some time and practice but you should eventually see it. Then you should be able to do it quicker the more you practice"
I opened my eyes "I don't understand why do I need to see everything in my mind like isnt that just remembering where everything is and since I don't really know here I won't see it"
"No, it's not about memory, everyone even trees are all alive and therefore bring some brainwave which is the area you are trying to reach. It won't look exactly like when your eyes are opened, you'll see it a different, it's hard to explain but when you find it you'll see what I mean. Once you see it you should be able to see people's brainwaves, they're all different colours and then as you see more you'll be able to touch the one you want to use to get into their head. At the moment you are tapping it at random but not able to see it. So I'll teach you to see it so you can use it to speak with them directly or just listen if that's all you need to do"
So I just kept meditating trying to see people's brainwaves or something, anything besides black
"Relax" Miss Zia said to me, I wasn't sure if it was her really speaking or was it telepathically. I tried relaxing but after a while I was getting hungry I couldn't concentrate anymore.
"Time for lunch everyone" Miss Zia yelled out. Everyone opened their eyes and we all went inside to eat.
I grabbed my lunch and sat on a bench in the kitchen area. I felt so out of place but all these people had been around for a lot longer than me. A young boy came up to me. "Welcome, before you I was the newbie" he said
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No not at all, I've been around for a few months now so it's not like I'm very new. The names Balthazar or Zar for short"
"I'm Aurora or Aura for short" yes he was cute so a little flirting won't hurt.
"Can I sit next to you?" He asked me
"Sure, no one is sitting there so it'll be nice to have some company."
He smiled at me and I smiled back. Suddenly I just thought what if my breath stinks from this sandwich or what if he thinks it's gross how I eat. So many things were rushing through my head. "Are you alright Aura?" He looked at me so confused, was he reading my mind. He's looking I got to answer now "umm yeah I'm alright. Just thinking"
"You just looked like your expression went from happy and smiles to as if you saw a ghost or something" he paused for a moment "I'm sorry did you think I was reading your mind? Is that why you turned so white?"
"No, that actually never occurred to me." Even though it did it was just a little lie.
"Good, because you do realise that I can not read minds without the whole meditation, no one can except for Zia, unless your a fast learner and are able to master it before the 6 months."
"Zia? Are you in comfortable terms with her for you not to call her Miss Zia?"
"No, you can call her Zia. You have to use the term Miss Zia when in class and talking to her directly as it's polite but other times like when you talk about her just saying her name is fine"
"Ok" well I've really calmed down now. I've only been friends with Mila before and never had a boyfriend so talking to a guy is a bit nerve wrecking.
To make more conversation as I'd like to have a friend in Nevaeh I asked him
"So have you lived here all your life?"
"Yeah, you?"
"No, I grew up in Earth so this place is all new to me. My mum and three sisters moved to Earth when the war happened"
"Oh, so your one of the lucky ones that got to escape. That must've been nice, I was a newborn when it started and finished when I was around three so I don't remember much of it besides having to go into our bomb shelter underground for days at a time."
"Sounds scary, so you must be about my age. I would've just been born when we moved"
"Well I did say I started three months ago and since you start when your sixteen it would make sense"
"Right, sorry"
"Don't be"
Zia walks into the kitchen and tells us that lunch is over and it's time to go to the classroom to continue our lesson. We all go sit at our desks only this time Zar decided to sit next to me.
"This seat taken?" He asked me
I smiled back at him and told him it wasn't taken so he could sit there.
"Afternoon everyone"
"Afternoon Miss Zia" we all said
"Take out your books on brains please"
I just thought books of brains, what in the world. That sounds disgusting.
"Miss Zia, I don't have any books. I wasn't given a list or anything of what to buy"
"Don't worry Aurora, your books are in your desk"
"Huh, how is that possible it's just a desk"
"Say in your mind. Desk open. Then you should be able to get it"
I said in my mind desk open and it did. It was strange it went from some flat table to a table drawer I guess you could call it. The desk opened up and in there was the book and some stationary. I saw that people grabbed the book, pencil and exercise book. So I got that out too.
"Aurora you open it up to the first page everyone else continue on where you are up to. I flicked through this book and I see pictures of a brain and written what each part of the brain does and how it works. I went back to the first page and there it had welcome to beginners on telepathy. Then the picture of that brain just had one arrow pointing at it saying this is the speech area.
I asked Zia what am I supposed to do with this. She explained it to me about how this helps to know what part of the brain I need to focus on once I'm able to see a persons brainwaves so I can take control of it.
"Don't worry, it does get easier to understand" Zar said to me.
Well I do got to say that was a crazy day but glad it's over, I think that was a little too much for a first day.
"Did you enjoy you first day?" Zar asked me.
"Yes, it's great. It was crazy and it was quite a lot I learnt in one day"
"What you up to now?" He asked. I never really thought about it. Like who is picking me up. "I guess I need to find out who's picking me up." He looks at me as if thinking something.
"What" I asked him.
"You know we are in Nevaeh and your a witch?"
"Yea, I know. Im new here so what are you saying"
"Call your sister, find out who's picking you up and tell them not to. That you will find your way home"
I don't really know Zar that well but he seemed nice. I need a friend, hope I'm making the right choice.
"Ok, I'll call Sukie. I hope you don't plan on killing me"
"Haha, as if you know people aren't allowed to kill here"
"They're not supposed to back on earth also but that's doesn't stop people"
"But your not there now. This is a magical land. You kill someone, the magic will send you instantly to prison where you will get your punishment. Killing an innocent means the death penalty. Trust me no one here wants to die so no one here will try"
I stepped away and sat on a brick step and got my phone out of my backpack to called Sukie.
"Hey sis, I was wondering who was going to pick me up?"
On the phone Sukie replied "I am, I'm almost finished work then I'll come get you"
"No, don't worry. I've made a friend here who said to tell you not to come."
"Huh, what do you mean. Who is this friend?"
"His name is Belthazar, but he gets called Zar for short. He told me that we are in Nevaeh and he will show me a way to get home that won't involve you girls having to pick me up"
"Alright, I'll see you later. Be home by 6pm for dinner"
"Ok, I'm sure I'll be home before then. Bye." I hung up the phone and went back to Zar.
"All good" I said to him
"Great, here is my transportation" he pulled a broom out of his bag.
I was surprised as how could he have done that.
"A broom? How in the world did you fit that in your bag?"
"It's a magical bag that you can fit pretty much anything. Including yourself. I've gone in there a few times but got to make sure it's not just laying around somewhere where someone can steal it"
"Sounds handy. Wait so are we going to fly on that broomstick?"
"Yes, it's actually quite easy."
He grabbed it with both hands put one leg over it and sat down. "Go on, sit back here."
Nervously I sat on it and grabbed on as tight as I could to him. "It's ok, I'll take off and fly slowly. You don't need to be scared"
"Ok" I said trying to convince myself it will be ok but I just knew it'll be scary and exciting at the same time. I was starting to think that maybe I shouldn't have called Sukie and just let her pick me up.
As we slowly lifted off the ground I closed my eyes from fear.
"You ready?" Zar asked
I shook my head as if he could see me but he must've felt me because he said "let's go" and then we were off in the air.
He was so calm flying this thing I opened one eye and looked around. It was actually quite a beautiful scene up there. "This is beautiful and amazing" I said softly. "It sure is"
We flew around Nevaeh for a bit till we landed in the centre.
I looked around "are we here to go shopping?"
"You can't get a broom yet because you need to learn to fly but I thought I'll take you around and I'll buy you something as a welcome to Nevaeh and a late birthday present."
"Did my sisters put you up to this?"
"No why?"
"Well because we only just met and yet you seem to want to be my friend and buy me a present. It feels like a plan so that we can stay here"
"Are you leaving back to earth after you graduate?"
"No, I just mean that we can travel to both worlds at anytime so at the end of the day we can go back to earth after and sleep there, then come back for school and work. We could spend weekends over there and I could see my friends Mila and Savvy."
"So you have other friends and can travel to earth whenever, I guess maybe I shouldn't buy you anything then. I thought we could be friends." He was sounding so sad
"No I don't mean it like" I stopped as I looked at his face and I knew he was just joking"
"Did I sound believable? I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself. Of course I knew you would have friends on earth but I also know you don't have any here and since I don't either I thought maybe we could be friends." He paused for a moment then continued "shall we? What are your interests?"
"Why not guess and tell me."
"Ok." He looked at me and we started to walk around. It was nice, he was hot like I wonder why someone as good looking as him wouldn't have any friends. Sukie seemed calm on the phone but I'm not sure if it actually sunk in her mind that I was with a boy or maybe she didn't care.
"Here. This is the perfect present for you"
"A necklace? It sure is lovely"
"It's not just any necklace. It's a teleport necklace"
"Yes, it's perfect for someone like you. You don't have a car and can't fly a broom, this way you can make your way around without needing anyone. You see there is an emerald inside that is enchanted and only the wearer can use it"
I saw the price $1000. "That says $1000 on it, are you for real. That is a lot of money to spend on someone you just met and not even sure if we will stay friends. Or is that like $10 earth money"
"Probably not, it is expensive but my parents are quite wealthy and I can spend and buy whatever I'd like"
"Will you marry me?" I said as a joke. We both laughed.
"Sorry but my parents already have a bride picked out for me"
"Are you serious? That's terrible"
"Yeah,  that's what happens when your wealthy around here. To make sure a person doesn't marry you for money the wealthy stick together. So I'm not allowed a girlfriend"
"You know you should totally play a joke on your parents and say you'd like to marry me. Just to see what they say"
"Haha, I'll probably be grounded till the day of my wedding to make sure we stay apart"
"Why not just sign a prenup?"
"What's that?"
"You know it's when someone has to sign papers before marriage to say a certain rule has to be followed like if you divorce your ex doesn't get any money from you"
"Sounds nice but we don't have such a thing here"
"Well what if all the rich families are taken. Then what will happen? You can't marry into your own family."
"Not sure, it's never come to that yet"
He bought me the teleport necklace. I was so excited to use it, I couldn't believe such a thing existed.
"Thanks for my present. I can't wait to try it out"
"Try it now, if I hold your hand I can travel with you"
"Ok, where shall we go, I don't know many places here"
"Have you been to the jewel of Nevaeh? It has to be somewhere you've seen because you need to have the image in your head"
"Yes I have"
"Awesome. Hold the necklace and think of the jewel"
I did that and before I knew it we were standing in front of the jewel.
"Wow, that was cool. Hold on just face me for a second."
He looked at me I touched the emerald thought about appearing behind him and then it happened. I touched him on the back.
"You enjoying that aren't you?" He turned around and laughed
"Yep, thank you. I absolutely love it"
"Looks like fire is your element"
"Wait, what do you mean fire is my element"
"How to explain this" he thinks for a moment.
"Ok, so there are four elements right. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Spirit is a fifth element to make a pentagram but this isn't about that. Umm so when people teleport depending on which is their element they disappear and reappear with an element. You just now disappeared in a ball of flame and I'm guessing when you appeared behind me you would've appeared in a ball of flame. People who's element is water when they teleport they disappear in a ball of water, for air it's like a mini tornado surrounds them and they're gone. As for earth they disappear with leaves or sand surrounding them.  I hope that makes sense"
"Yea it does. So does that make me evil since fire is my element?"
"No, of course not. Fire is the season summer and it means strength, passion you know. Good things"
"Alright cool. What's the time? I got to be home around 6pm."
He looked at the watch on his wrist and said "it's 4:30pm." Well I was relieved I still had time to kill. "Anyway Aura, there is one more thing I'd like to do but..." he pulls out his broomstick "We have to fly" he continues.
"You still scared"
"A little"
"Well I promise you it'll be the last place I'll take you today and it's a lot quicker too"
We flew up to the air again but even though I was terrified when I was getting on this time I was more at ease with being up in the air. Maybe because it was a second time I was on it or because I felt more comfortable being around Zar. It's nice I've never been friends with a boy, in fact I've never even kissed one because they were never interested in me and now here I am in a different world with one of the hottest guys I've ever met and he wants to be my friend.
We slowed down as we aproached what looked like a stadium only it was completely covered at the top.
"Here we are, the dragon stadium"
There was pictures of dragons breathing out fire and witches, some had their wands raised in the air. It was quite cool looking to be honest.
"This a stadium? Why is it closed all around like don't stadiums usually have opened at the top?"
"Maybe where your from yes but here it has to be closed or else people would just fly above and watch for free instead of paying to enter and watch"
"Makes sense, so you called it the dragon stadium. Is this the place where they play that dragon game I saw when I came to visit Nevaeh the first time?"
"Yes, this is dragon battle. It's good fun to watch if your interested. I have two tickets so might as well use them both."
"Sure, it looked interesting and different." It would most likely be more fun to watch than AFL and I like to watch it"
He looks at me a smiles "must be nice having different sports to watch, we only have this one"
We went to the front gate and he handed in our tickets. The lady at the desk stamped it and gave it back to us.
"They stamp tickets here? How old school is that" I said
"How do they do it on Earth?"
"They scan the tickets and you go in"
We walked up some stairs and into a room, there were food and drinks. From there we had an awesome view of the game. It is actually pretty cool, we won't be freezing outside like the others.
Hey Zar I have a question, well a couple actually"
"What's up"
"There is a lot of food and drinks here, are more people joining us here?"
"No, just us two. My parents usually come and sometimes they bring friends so there's always plenty of food but they won't make it today"
"Ok. Second question, this necklace you bought me you said it can teleport me anywhere so does that mean now that I know what this place looks like, will I be able to teleport here. Like this stadium is closed so people won't fly over to watch but what about those that have these teleportation jewellery"
"The stadium is magically locked. Anyone who tries to get in won't, they'll only get as far as the entrance"
"I see. Would be cool if  I could get in with this. Maybe this way if I do enjoy the game I could've gotten in for free"
"I get tickets all the time, if you ever want to come back I'd be happy to bring you"
I grabbed a drink and some mini sandwiches. I sat down in one of the chairs by the window. It was the most comfortable chair I've been in plus it can recline. I looked out the window where I could see some four dragons with witches on them. The big screen turned on and under each dragon on the screen had two names. My guess is one is the witch and the other is the dragons names.
The green dragon had the names
Sage and Gaia
The red dragon had
Cole and Apollo
The blue dragon had
Fay and Ilayda
The yellow dragon had
Tesni and Haru
The dragons were quite an amazing sight. They weren't too big either but they were a bit bigger than a horse.
"So who are we going for?"
" Cole and Apollo. Fire is my element also so I got to go for them. They're about to start"
A lady looks like she could be in her 30s wearing a jumpsuit flies out to the middle of the ring while each contestant go to each corner and listens to what the lady has to say.
"Good afternoon everyone, welcome to the first round of Dragon Battle this season."
"First round?"I whispered to Zar
"Yeah. Lucky you, you came to Nevaeh at the perfect time for the games"
The lady continued "I'll be your referee today" she closed her eye and raised her hands as she said "the battle begins, bring forth the grounds for this round to start"
The empty ground now has rocks, sand and cactus type of plants. It kind of looks like the desert. Then some targets appear.
"BEGIN" she yells and the four witches riding the dragons take off.
"Flash" we hear Cole yell out and a fire lightning bolt came out. He was the first to hit a target. On the screen his name came up with 50 points
"Flash" said Fay her lightning bolt was like water and then her name came up with 10 points
"Flash" this time it was like green leaves and Sage's name popped up on the screen with 10 points also. We see a few more fire, water and leaf bolts apearing in the fields when finally we see a yellow light with what looked like wind wrapping around it. Then the name Tesni showed up on the screen with 100 points.
People around the stadium were cheering for which ever team they were going for. It was a nice sight, such excitement coming from people. Then everything changed the desert became like a rainforest.
"Twenty targets must have been hit because the terrain changed" Zar said to me.
"Yes, so they just continue on its not like they take a break or continue another day"
"No, 100 targets in total with no breaks."
I look up at the score it read
Tesni: 130
Cole: 100
Sage: 80
Fay: 70
As the score went up it changed once again this time there were buildings around everywhere and all we can see is just coloured lights everywhere. There must have been cameras hidden around because on the big screen we can see the witches and their dragons flying around as they yell flash. The dragons are so fast I can hardly keep up watching them on the grounds. How can people ride on them so fast. Finally it was the fifth round eighty targets had been hit and only twenty more to go. This time they were like jewels. A few times we could hear flash but instead of the targets been hit we can see their spell fly off the jewels and almost hitting people. I can hear them scream and dodge the lightning. The water bolt actually hit a chair and it blew up. Instead of them running the just move and keep on cheering.
"How can these people just keep on cheering. Aren't they scared like that chair just blew up. What if someone was hit, they could die."
"Don't worry, that's part of the fun of the final round. People dodging the attacks and besides if by any chance someone was hit, it wouldn't kill them. They may get injured like they may get a burn but their life are in no danger. It's all part of the spell. It destroys things but not fatal to people"
Everything went quite. The terrain went back to normal and the people with their dragons appeared in the middle of the arena
"Must be over" Zar said as he looked at me.
I looked down to see what was happening and then the witch from earlier flew down and yells out "The winner of today's game goes to Cole and Apollo"
"We won" We both yelled out jumping up and down.
"That was awesome, I can't believe such a game exists. Thank you for bringing me here"
"You're most welcome, well I guess it's time for you to go home. It's almost 6pm"
"Crap. Is it really" I checked my phone and it said 5:50 on it. "This was the best birthday I've had"
"Really? I thought you had friends back on earth"
"I do and yes I do have fun with them but it's pretty much the same stuff every year. We have fun but never have I received such an expensive present or been taken to a game like this. I just wish i could watch it with Mila also. She's my bff after all. We've been friends since primary school"
He hugged me and then I grabbed my nacklace and thought of Sukie.
"Oh my gosh" yelled Sukie as I appeared in front of her. Ruby and Luna came running in. "What happened?" Asked Ruby and the three of them just look at me. "You scared the hell out of me Aura. How did you get here. Is teleportation part of your power?"
"I wish, no Zar bought me this necklace."
They come up to look at the necklace.
"It really is a teleport necklace"said Ruby. She looked up at me. "These things are very expensive, you must've made quite a friend here"
"You said his name was Belthazar on the phone right" asked Sukie
"Yeah" I replied
My three sisters look at each other than me. "You have made friends with the son from the richest family in Nevaeh haven't you"
"He said his family was wealthy but never said the richest"
"Well sis you sure have luck, I hope his family likes you"
"Dinner is ready" said Luna. We all went downstairs to have our dinner.
After dinner I went back up to my room and messaged Mila. I asked her how everything was going over there and that I had made a friend. She was surprised that I became friends with a boy but happy I had one. I never told her that he was rich because I'm sure she'd definitely want to meet him asap. It made me think though he has never left Neveah and after spending so much money and taking me to watch a game if he would be interested in going to earth, somewhere he has never been. During dinner I had asked my sisters what their element was. I really thought they would all say fire because that was mine but I was wrong. We are all different. Sukie is air, Ruby is earth and Luna is water. It had been a long day and I fell asleep pretty quick.

The Wyatt Sisters and the Jewel of NeveahWhere stories live. Discover now