First Time - Story 3

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[Time Registry Division](Schlangenbrot Cookie comes to the division and sees Baguette Cookie just looking at the screens

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[Time Registry Division]

(Schlangenbrot Cookie comes to the division and sees Baguette Cookie just looking at the screens.)

Schlangenbrot Cookie: No sign of the two?

Baguette Cookie: Negative.

Schlangenbrot Cookie: Gosh, where are they? Something is interfering us from locating them...

Baguette Cookie: Well, let's hope they're back and safe.

Baguette Cookie: Well, let's hope they're back and safe

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[The Witch's Kitchen]

(The four of them climbed onto the kitchen table.)

Blueberry  Muffin Cookie: This is taking forever...

Future Croissant Cookie: We're almost there!

Croissant Cookie: My arms hurt, Future me.

Future Croissant Cookie: Don't worry. All we got to do is get to the top and finish the job.

Gingerbrave: Yuh huh! We can do this!

(They finally reached the top.)

Gingerbrave: We made it!

(Blueberry Muffin Cookie sees the time cracks from the closed window.)

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: They seem to be coming from that window.

Future Croissant Cookie: That's it! All we gonna do is mend it with my timecraft's mending laser.

Croissant Cookie: What am I gonna do to help?

Future Croissant Cookie: Try pointing the mending laser to the window.

(Croissant Cookie does so and points the mending laser to the window.)

Gingerbrave: I'll help you!

(Gingerbrave helps Croissant Cookie holds the laser still.)

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: The crack is getting worse! What are you waiting for?

Future Croissant Cookie: The laser has to recharge.

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: ...WHAT?!

Future Croissant Cookie: It's almost charged up.

(The crack is getting bigger and bigger.)

Future Croissant Cookie: Ready...

Croissant Cookie: C'mon...

Future Croissant Cookie: Aim... FIRE!

(Future Croissant Cookie presses the button and the mending laser activates, fixing the cracks from the closed window. The cracks are starting to shrink into nothingness.)

Future Croissant Cookie: Phew...

Gingerbrave: We did it!

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: I'm glad that's over.

Croissant Cookie: Agreed.

Future Croissant Cookie: ...Well, I guess this is goodbye?

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: Yeah, we have to go back to our timeline.

Future Croissant Cookie: Oh right, take this!

(Future Croissant Cookie gives Croissant Cookie something.)

Croissant Cookie: What's this?

Future Croissant Cookie: A time-jumper, I made these in case I get lost.

Croissant Cookie:
Oh, thank you!

(Future Croissant Cookie and Gingerbrave hops on their timecraft.)

Gingerbrave: Bye-bye!

(Croissant Cookie waves goodbye to them.)

Future Croissant Cookie: TIME TRAVEL! WOOOOOOOOOOT-

(They went through the time wormhole and gone. Croissant Cookie pressed the button on the time-jumper and a time wormhole appears.)

Croissant Cookie: Should we go?

(Blueberry Muffin Cookie nods his head.)

Croissant Cookie: TIME TRAVEL! WOOT!

(Both of them jumped to the wormhole.)

[Director's Office]

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[Director's Office]

(Croissant Cookie and Blueberry Muffin Cookie finally found themselves at the TBD while the Director is on his desk, waiting.)

Croissant Cookie: Oh, we made it! We made... it.

Director: ...

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: Oh! Director, I apologize for our late coming! We were stuck and- and-

Director: Shut.

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: Ok.

(The Director looks at Croissant Cookie and points at her.)

Director: What happened?

Croissant Cookie: Uhm... We found ourselves on the Cretaceous Period from a bomb blew the timecraft up and I'm sorry, Director.

Director: No need to, I understand both of you about this situation. It's him again.

Croissant Cookie: Who?

Director: Turtle Bread Cookie, a former engineer and Blueberry Muffin Cookie's partner, now a maniac who dwells the time wormhole, trapping those who are part of this department.

Croissant Cookie: What happened, really?

Blueberry Muffin Cookie: Curiosity got him. He wanted to know more about the cosmos outside this place, and he went insane.

Croissant Cookie: How are we gonna finish our works if he keeps coming to us?

Director: I don't know. He's everywhere and he'll stop at nothing to control time itself. The only choice is to be aware of everything during duty, understood?

Both Croissant Cookie and Blueberry Muffin Cookie: Yes.

Director: Good, now go back to your divisions. I have files to complete.

(Croissant Cookie and Blueberry Muffin Cookie steps out of the office and the Director close his eyes to go back to the time wormhole.)

[Time Wormhole](The Director is going around the wormhole to find any time cracks

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[Time Wormhole]

(The Director is going around the wormhole to find any time cracks.)

Director: The coast seems clear now... I'll find you, Turtle Bread Cookie.

(He opens his eyes and continued writing documents.)


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