/3A/- Family Steps Up (L)

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Still half asleep, I suddenly felt a soft touch on my cheek. Reluctant to leave the bed just yet, I grimaced under my breath. Suddenly though, another feeling caught my attention. I could feel some weight on me. Hell if I didn't know any better, I'd say someone was riding me. Despite my desire to stay sleeping for a little longer, I decide to open my eyes and see the matter for myself. I'm so glad I did. Sitting over me was Max, with its awfully small and cute paws over my chest. As if he was just waiting patiently for me to get up. Seeing me wake up to reality, it gave me one of its most adorable smiles and licked me over my cheek, the one it had earlier cupped. I thought at that moment, is there any better way to start your morning? While his tail fluttered from the excitement of seeing me after two whole days, so did my heart. I loved him to the moon and back, much more than I could ever like a human. She must have some telepathic power, for I think she heard it. Seconds later, it's mistress came gliding in her red satin robe towards me with the speed of lightning. I remember gifting her that dress for her 23rd birthday."Liam, I'm back!", she announced with joy before giving Max a look to get off of my lap. As soon as it did, with much drama in its eyes, might I add, she swept me in a hug right off the bed and placing me gently on the marble floor. "Easy there", I couldn't help but warn her jokingly. From where she got this sudden upsurge of strength, I don't know. She's bound to be lighter than me and it's not like she works out. She doesn't need to really. She's far to pretty to begin with. If she was to hit the gym, she's bound to stay single for eternity, for which guy could then be worthy of her much too perfect self? But I think I overlooked one key thing. She has Max to keep her in shape. Those regular long walks, chasing it around all around her mansion and picking it up for a ride every now and then has got to enhance her stamina. If that were not enough, her soul lies in the outworldly nature. She isn't afraid of adventures, loves to dance for fun and is an expert at water sports. But despite everything, her heart lies at home. She can conquer the world but her feet will still trace back to me, Max and the house she lives in- the last memory her parents left her. Well that's the story for another time. And truth be told, it's not mine to tell. I'd hate to sulk on a day such as this. I've learnt it from her. To smile in the face of adversity. And to never invite sorrow when it's bright out. Today couldn't be more exciting. So we must keep sadness at bay. What is today you ask? Why, it's the day I start work- my much anticipated life as a physician.

"You better hurry if u want to make it in time." Isabelle remarks. "I can't be that late, right?" "See for yourself, mister", she taunts again. Turns out I was late. Just a little though. Nothing that can't be salvaged, I thought. Just then, the silhouettes of my siblings darkened the threshold. "C'mon, lazy bro. Hop in the shower already, we've got to get you ready", Theo urged annoyingly. Avery merely giggled. Given her good grades in college, she has secured a leave for a handful days. It totally had nothing to do with the irresistible flirtatious charm of Alex, her boyfriend, who was rumored to be an eye candy of the wing dean Avery studied in. As long as it helps my sister, he can even kill anyone and I'd look the other way. She is still working on her designs so it wasn't all leisure though. As for Theo, of course he took the day off from school. As if he's serious about studying anyways. Mom was in the kitchen preparing my lunch and father is yet to come home. I suspect he must be painting a random bird he saw on the way here. He says they're different. The most impressive creation of nature. Nothing relaxes his nerves better than sketching them. Mum has a loaded client coming in later so she'll be going to the firm in the second half. Ah, how everyone has come together to make it a smooth sail for me. Feeling grateful is not my speciality but today will have to be an exception.

"Looks like he didn't hear, Theo", Avery smirked teasingly. Theo quickly pulled his sleeves up and rushed to my side as he began to push me towards the shower. "Geez. Chill, Theo. I'm going, alright?" "Good boy", Theo dared. "You son of a-" I was cut short by mom's yell from across the hall. "He's my son, just so you know. So be careful. Think twice before you swear in my house, boy. That too in front of your sister! Don't you have to hurry for the job.." "Ugh, I hear you mother", I rolled my eyes as hard as I could. "Cmon Liam. We're waiting here", Isabelle nudged me one last time as I stepped in the washroom. I freshened up and picked up my toothbrush. As I brushed my teeth, I looked at the mirror. There was an unmistakeable glimmer in my hazel eyes, for the future to come. As I showered next, all my anxiety vanished the second the cold water hit my skin. I could stay in the shower forever, in the void . No worry, for nothing can go wrong. But I must walk out in the light eventually. I grabbed my towel and brushed it against my brunet hair. I tied it around my waist and tugged the end inside. As ready as I could ever be, I walked out. The three were waiting for me. As I moved out of the washroom, they turned their heads to me. "Ready, brother?"Avery smiled with her hands in my palm. "I'm not leaving half naked in my towel, if that's what you mean." "I've got you covered in that", Theo pointed to some black pants. I hadn't shopped any clothes for today. They had all of it figured out, Isabelle and my sweet siblings claimed. Theo has a sharp eye for men's clothing, I must say. I just pick the first thing I see, I'm not as patient as him. I step into them one leg at a time and button them after getting the zipper. Isabelle hands me a carved belt. "It's beautiful", I say of the belt looking in her eyes. "I know", she shruggs. As I buckle up my pants, I see that Avery is ready with a sophisticated light blue shirt. Holding the two sleeves, she suggests I put my hands through them. I follow suit and button up. Isabelle hands me a dark blue tie and I scrath the back of my neck. See, I don't really know how to wear a tie. Theo steps to rescue, thankfully. He takes me to a mirror and stands behind me, a little to the side. I've never really had to wear a tie, I must justify my position. The same can't be said for Theo though. He has gone to numerous school competitions outside where he needed that skill. I wasn't particularly the co curricular type. And above that, he's been to prom. I never had a date so I figured it'd be better to miss it. I don't necessarily regret it.

As he works his magic while I'm leaning down, I wonder how the day will go. Some of the medical residents had a blast on their first day. The others, however, were just waiting for the nightmare to end. I wonder which side I'll end on. As he is done, Isabelle hands me a white coat. What is a doctor without it? It looks expensive, I think. But it's no time to ponder on such things. "All done", Avery announces. "Not yet", Theo interrupts. He fetches the bottle of perfume and sprays it twice on my neck. I remember one of his rich girlfriends gifting him that on their six months anniversary. They only lasted seven. "God, I forgot your hair. It's a mess", Avery exclaims. She's always had high opinions on my hair, the way I carry it. While it does shape a guy, I agree, she's just obsessive. Alex's mom being a hair stylist doesn't help the situation at all. So yeah, he knows damn well how to handle it. While I'm just a anxious medical student who pulls at them when the going gets tough. She begins fixing and as Theo hands her the gel, she sets it like I'm getting married. It's my first day y'all, not my last that I must be perfect. When they're finally done, I take a breath of relief. On my way out of the room, I grab my watch and fasten it on my wrist. I'm just on time. With her eyes slightly watery, mum places the family brooch on my coat. "Rock it, kiddo", she cups my cheek. I hold her hand. "I promise, I will." She hands me the lunch and kisses me goodbye on the forehead. I step in my shoes with them towering over me. We step outside to find dad out of his car, leaning against it,smiling at me. "Lemme give you a ride, son", he calls. Avery hugs me one last time while Theo pats my back. Isabelle plants a kiss to my cheek. I look at the three of them and at mother, looking at me from way behind them. I wave them goodbye and sit with my dad. We arrive at our destination a little earlier than I'd like. "They won't know what hit them", he encourages. "Thanks, dad. See you ", I smile with a confidence in myself I don't quite feel. After staring at the hospital for some seconds after father had gone, I finally stepped in. In the mist of my dreams. Questioning if it'd be my wish come true or my worst nightmare..

 Heal And Harm (Alternate Title - Hearts At Stake / The Doctor X The Dagger )Where stories live. Discover now