/4A/- The Ace Jewellers (E)

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I'm in my room right now, rubbing my temples vigorously. I never thought a woman could make me this mad. To be naive is one thing but she's brave in the face of an adversity she can't handle. Who does she think she is? She thinks she can stand alone. While I admire the independency, there's a fine line between confidence in your skill to achieve things without any help and sheer stupidity and hollow arrogance. For things to make sense, let me take you back- to the reason I came to the restaurant where I saw Liam.

I was in the neighborhood for a major event. Seeing I was a bit early, I decided to meet the owners of our customer establishments. Afterall, you need to ensure the people you render goods and services, are indeed happy. From the Ace Gemstones jewellery family buisness who need our most capable security to the Flare Fashion- the revolution of the finest style known to inspire even European designers, who hires models from us, we have root everywhere.

The fine lady, Tracie, owns the jewellery shop which makes her a millionaire. She had a grumpy husband. He is no more, God rest his soul. He may been rude but buisness flowed in his veins. She was the one whose father started this buisness but he was the tailor fit man, as if made to take over and run it. He was a finance major where Tracie studied geography. It's hard to believe such a man could've falled in love at college and married his college sweetheart. Love does work in mysterious ways afterall, I suppose. Her family business was kept a secret until after marriage to safeguard the family wealth from predators. He must have thought it was his destiny, after he found out. It clearly was, evaluating the unforeseen heights he took it to. I remember doing deals with him. Despite what one would presume, based on his harsh tounge, he was pleasure to do buisness with. Open to negotiation, reasonable demands and would understand our dilemma at times. Moreover, if we failed in our promise somehow, he'd not hesitate to convey his dissapointment. If there's anyone a buisnessman loves more than an easy customer, is a difficult one. It might puzzle most of you but ask a hundred entrepreneurs and they'll tell you the same. An easy customer would take whatever you'd give, with a smile on his face. A difficult customer, however, is not afraid to frown. He'll point out ten ways you messed it up and how you did little to make up for it. Like a good friend tells you the food you made tastes good but a true friend spits it on your face and tells you how to improve. With an easy customer, we'll stay the same. With a honest customer, we improve and become better. That only draws more customers in the long run. Also, an easy customer goes just as easy as he comes. To a place that's better. But once you please a difficult customer, you have a deal for life. He must have had the same opinion, being a buisnessman himself, thus his upfrontness. Tracie however is nothing like him. After he passed away, she took over. But in reality, it's her assistants and advisors who do the bidding. She knows she can't handle a buisness and accepts it with pride. She understands her limitations and plays within them. I respect people like her the most. You can't do it all. It takes a wise man to step back when he knows he isn't capable of something. That takes valor. The woman can't be rude for the death of her. However, after all these years with her husband, she isn't afraid to point it out if we fall short somewhere. It reminds me of her husband and makes me remember the insufferable fellow all over again. Even Father took his death as a shock. They were pretty fond of each other it seems. Two buisnessmen, young and blooming, I get why. They must have learnt a lot from each other. I swear he was crying harder on his funeral than Tracie. Though I hadn't known the guy long, even my eyes were damp.

I open the door on my way in. Instead of Tracie, I find Chad on the counter. I pull him into a sideways hug, "Wassup, man. It's a suprise to see you here. Where's Tracie?" "Just spoiling my fiance. She has been over working herself a little so I thought I'd take over. Alice, her assistant, just gave birth, you see. So while she's taken the month off, mom has been working herself up over nothing. I decided she needs to take it easy." "Right, congrats on the engagement, by the way. I would've come but Father was out on a trip and some big estate winery critiques were coming, you know how the annual ratings affect our sales. I hated to miss it", I say with apology glimmering in my regretful eyes. "Mom missed you, it's just that. She's grown fond of your little meetings, really. And well, Claire loved your present more than anyone's. You know how she's a sucker for good heels. She taunted me for a week though, how I don't even know her size when you found even the perfect design to match the new dress she brought." "Haha sorry, dude. The store owner was a friend of mine. He showed me the dress she brought and I left the rest to Haze, she's good at pretty much everything. Guess it didn't upset her too much though, is the wedding still on? Gotta give her an even better gift this time ;)", I joke. "Don't want me to get married, do you? Bastard!", he exclaims bending over the counter and streching his hand. It takes me a while to get what he's upto. By the time I catch on, it's too late. His fingers are already stretching my ear in punishment. And not in a joking way but hurts like death kinda way. "Ouch ouch ouch that hurts big bro. Please, I'm sorry. I'll not do it again spare me please ahhhh", I almost scream. He gives it a long thought before saying, "Call me daddy and I'll think about it." "Ew, no way, you creepy jerk", I half laugh, still in pain. He pulls mey ear harder, almost absent mindedly. I cave it without a second thought. The pain, no matter how sweet, just isn't worth it. "IM SORRY DADDY PLEASE LET ME G-", I scream but it's cut short by his palm on my lips. "Geez, I don't want the whole town to hear", he laughs. "Don't you ever do it again", I hit his arm slightly, in retaliation and revenge. "Seems like someone didn't learn their lesson", he smirks streching his other hand in an all too familiar way onto my other ear. "Not again! He did, I'm sorry", I whine stepping slightly back. He laughs and his lips come closer again, whispering, "Think twice before you mess with daddy again". He offers his friendliest smile. "Now come here", he pulls my neck closer from the earlobe. This time, however, it didn't hurt. The pull was gentle. He rubs his fingers along my reddened earlobe ever so slightly. He takes some cream and applies it there. They probably keep it for the customers who's earlobes hurt from wearing heavy earrings. "You're all good, kiddo. Off your go", he pats my shoulder and faces me with his popular smile that entraps many.

But it's no longer cute, but attractive, he has grown into a man. It's now hot and handsome. I look back to the day I saw that broken boy on his father's funeral. His mother was a mess and he was a much bigger one. I pulled him alone into a room. We had seen each a few times before. I remember he felt tense and gloomy, I needed to make him snap out of him it. "When did you last get off?", I ask. He stares at me wide eyes before saying, "Since dad's condition became this worse." No wonder. "It's been around half a year, Chad. Everyone needs to get off some steam." "I just can't focus on it while he's-" "Want me to help?", I remember cutting him off that day. He gulps half nodding. I push him onto a sofa before dropping on my knees. I know what I must do. I unbutton his pants and undo the zipper. Taking him in my hand, I begin to stroke. Harder and faster. I begin use my mouth as he begins to tilt his head back. I'm a master of seduction, you'll soon find out. That was the best thing I used my skills for. As he begins to get closer, my movements become faster. He prefers the friction of my hand over my tounge, I conclude. Peculiar. Contrary to all the other guys I've given blowjobs to, and believe me I've given plenty. So I give him exactly what his body responds to. He shivers as he finally reaches the climax. It's not hard to find tissues at a funeral, I pull out a few in which I wipe off his semen before tossing it in the bin. I wipe my mouth with my hands and get up, walking my way to the exit. "Step up, Chad. You're the man in the house now. Your mother needs you... I hope this gave you the clarity you need." I see him afterwards comforting his mother. My efforts were not in vain. The woman was more worried as to how she'll raise her son alone. But seeing this made her realise that they could be there for each other, instead of her doing it all alone. They became partners in grief. She even felt safe in his embrace, as if he's the one looking after her. I'm proud of him.

Chad took his share of duties to relieve Tracie of too much stress. He found Claire within a year and they began to date soon. He's older than me, if you couldn't tell, by three years. He was 22 when his dad died, I was 19. Now that I'm 21, he's 24, soon to be married. I can't blame him for being a mess that day, death breakes souls. Unlike me, he hadn't seen any from his days as a kid. "Thanks for the day again, Rico", he says. "Anytime", I say before leaving the store, old memories freshened. I had come to check up on Tracie to see how she was doing, if she was over working herself as the last time I visited. Instead, I came across Chad, the boy whom I turned into a man that day. I'm leaving with much more than I asked for. I glance at my watch and I still have an hour to spare. Off to the Fashion Store I go, this won't take as long.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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