Monday 6:01 pmDamian Camero
Active NowDamian:
Where are you?Hyacinth:
Gym, practice.Damian:
Ok, I'll go there.Hyacinth:
Can you buy me a water?Damian:
I have mine.Hyacinth:
Nah, I don't want to drink on
your thumbler.Damian:
Tsk arte.Hyacinth:
Come on. Mineral water is just
20 pesos!Damian:
Mine's free.Wag na umangal, I'm near.
Hmp.Solice Alonzo
Active NowSolice:
Now tell me if I'm wrong.
Read at 6:23 pm-------
now tell me if I'm wrong (2) HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Epistolary: So, It's You?
Romancedamian & hyacinth. an epistolary. cttro of the photo I used for the cover. I forgot the un. Right Man Series #3.