8:18 amHaréin Sylex
Active NowHaréin:
Hi! I heard what happened to you. How are you?Hyacinth:
Thank you for asking. I'm still here at the hospital, still recovering.Haréin:
Can we visit later? We'll go with Damian.Hyacinth:
Uh e is it okay?Haréin:
Of course yes! You are now part of our circle.Hyacinth:
Really? Thank you.Haréin:
Well, are you watching the game on live stream rn or no?Hyacinth:
Uhm, there's a live?Haréin:
Yes, wait, can I call you nalang?Hyacinth:
Sure, sure.Haréin reacted ♥️ to your message.

Epistolary: So, It's You?
Romancedamian & hyacinth. an epistolary. cttro of the photo I used for the cover. I forgot the un. Right Man Series #3.